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Hello everyone

Sorry to once again be the bearer of bad news, but for past few days I've been in bed ill with a bad case of stomach flu. The whole thing has been frustrating to say the least, if in no small part as a result of how crappy I feel letting you all down. So far this month has been one thing after another.

On slightly brighter matters, I've received a lot of artwork from my artists, so hopefully I'll be feeling up to posting that sometime over the next few days.

P.S. I'm also very sorry to my commission tier patrons who've yet to be contacted this month. I really hope to contact you as soon as I'm feeling better, but until then all I can do is say sorry.



Not team develop ?


Sadly no, just me on my own. I've had some really good help from people in the past, but it's only been for one off things they wanted to help out with.


Hope you get better soon. Feel better!


Thank you Wing Silver ^_^ I'm down to just feeling a tad run-down with the sniffles, so going to try and get some writing done today. Fingers crossed there should be at least an Alpha build tonight, though it might not be huge.


Where can I download the game?


good on you. If I was in your shoes I'd probably be rolling in my bed moaning and groaning. I look forward to the next alpha however small!


In the end I managed to get a little writing done ... but I did end up back in bed much too early. Should be something for today though ^_^


Hi Atlas ^_^ The game can be found either; here, on the TFGamesSite entry or on the FoxTalesTimes forum post. To find the most recent version on Patreon you might have to scroll down the feed a little (or search for the Public/Patreon Build tag), as I've suffered some bad delays recently, but it is there. Hope that helps ^_^