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Minor Scene Poll - (Ends 24th Nov)

  • [M-Oral, Humiliation-play, Prostitution] Get propositioned for oral by large jock, leads to deepthroat + smeared makeup (3 scenes, medium) 16
  • [Makeup, Robot] Get attacked by a rogue beautician bot, getting an unwilling random makeover (1 scene, multiple outcomes, long) 24
  • [Makeup, Modelling, Exhib] Get propositioned for a modelling job, get a makeover and photographed almost nude (3 scenes, medium) 17
  • 2018-11-19
  • 57 votes
{'title': 'Minor Scene Poll - (Ends 24th Nov)', 'choices': [{'text': '[M-Oral, Humiliation-play, Prostitution] Get propositioned for oral by large jock, leads to deepthroat + smeared makeup (3 scenes, medium)', 'votes': 16}, {'text': '[Makeup, Robot] Get attacked by a rogue beautician bot, getting an unwilling random makeover (1 scene, multiple outcomes, long)', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '[Makeup, Modelling, Exhib] Get propositioned for a modelling job, get a makeover and photographed almost nude (3 scenes, medium)', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 19, 22, 18, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 57}


Just another weekly minor scene poll. This week the minor scene poll are all random encounters related to makeup (or have some effect on the players makeup).

As such, here are the options ^_^  


Raven Night

Forced makeovers should still be a thing over all imo even more so if it is overdone and is long lasting ie takes days to wash/wear off and can't be changed until it has worn off


Hi Raven Night ^_^ Forced makeovers are something that I'd always intended (along with just general encounters that have makeovers in them). I've got some fun ideas for how to build makeup into the game (like certain deep-throat and fetish scenes causing all your makeup to run into the degrading version - along with degrading face writing being in the face makeup list). However, I do like your idea of semi-permanent make-up so that it lasts longer. It might be a little tough to work with, but I'll see what I can do about it :)

Raven Night

you could probably treat semi-permanent in a few different ways, 1) as an additional layer for existing makeup where as it would go on top of the make-up, this "layer" could also be coded to stop any additional makeup from being applied for ease of programming, and have a durability ie act like a temporary status effect with a timer (# of in game actions or in game days) and once that timer has run out that layer would disappear allowing the player to change makeup again. 2) as a independent object much like a piece of clothing it would go on top of the face and have priority in the description/events over what was on the face before and after a time limit would just disappear completely, this I think would be easier as you already have a similar type of code for this in the game already with the ability to lock the diaper onto the player during an event with Mildred that either forces you to visit her to change which diaper you are wearing or to pay her to unlock it again. Another option if/when tattoos get put in would be just to include makeup "tattoos" that could also be applied by said forced makeovers and treat its removal like any other TF by having the player pay GGP to remove it


Those are some good ideas Raven Night ^_^ Factoring permanent and semi-permanent makeup might be a little difficult (the code is already pretty complex at the moment), but I'm happy to put it on the long-term to-do list (probably will do it at the same time I do the tattooing stuff). When I get around to it I'll likely create additional makers/variables to determine whether the player is currently 'locked' into the makeup, and whether there's a time limit on that. If I did it that way, then I wouldn't have to alter the existing style detection code, only the; makeup application, makeup input, examine situations, morning makeup application, and makeup cost calculations (like I said it's a complex thing to work on sadly, which is why I want to give it some time, as I'm just so tired after how draining the makeup code itself was). But, yeah, it's do-able, and I think I can work it into the system without being too disruptive. Plus, permanent makeup as a way to get around having to pay the daily makeup costs (meaning you can maximize daily profits) is a cool play style in my mind ^_^ Thanks for the suggestion, and for thinking it through so extensively!