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Hey everyone, and welcome to a regular Patreon build. This current build is currently at 560,506 words, and 944 passages, so about 20k words. This build has taken a little longer than expected, but covers a wide array of topics, and also (I'm excited to say) includes both new underwear images (by Silverjile) and also includes wonderful new code for nail customization by Prince Draco (who has done an amazing job and deserves all the praise he gets ^_^).

The main content is; New appearance options, the start of the pet-play trainer scenes, and some new ABDL/diaper content. 

1/ Players can now increase or decrease their hip size and shoulder width in the clinic. The costs of these treatments are 400 G.G.P for increasing shoulder width or decreasing hip size, or 200 G.G.P to decrease shoulder width or to increase hip size. Additionally increasing hip size or decreasing shoulder width will increase the players femininity, with the other two treatments increasing the players masculinity. Further, players can now make use of the nailcare kit from the store from their wardrobe, giving themselves manicures and pedicures of a wide variety.

2/ Vincent the Pet-Play trainer can now be accessed. Currently the game contains; the first visit scene from Vincent (it occurs at a night on day 3 or later, and can differ depending on whether the player has previously met Vincent), two regular nightly visits, and the ability to opt into the pet-play trainer content in a consensual manner after having previously met Vincent (this is also available for players who have already selected to have the pet-play trainer at character creation, but have yet to meet him) - players who agree to be trained will receive 3000 G.G.P, whilst those who don't make the agreement with him will only receive 1000 G.G.P upon his first visit.

3/Post decision contact pages for both of the Hannah dating lines, along with relationship entries and hanging out scenes. I've also added additional content to the previous diaper-based Ashley scene and an all new diaper-based Ashley scene. 

Other additions include; The continuation of the Mari quest-line (I've added most of the administrator side of the quest path), clothing images for basic underwear, a blue thong is now available in the in-game store as is a t-shirt and pants set, a new content tag (non-human), the purchasable nail-care kit, the intro is now updated for the newly added stats (shoulder width, hip size, weight and muscles), I've put some extra work into the contact lenses application pages, so  certain contact lens types will give additional descriptors, along with  it looking just a tiny bit nicer. I've also fixed bugs with the trainer  content showing up when it shouldn't, and with payments from the Little Land Nursery job now calculating properly, and a bunch of minor tweaks and bug fixes. 

In terms of polled content, the winning minor scene poll result is the living latex outfit sale. Meanwhile the winning monthly art poll result is the collection of BDSM clothing. For both the winning polls, all the outfits have already had descriptions outlined, with plans to contact an artist to produce them over the next few days (though suggestions are always welcome). New polls will be uploaded very soon. 

Open Commission Slots:

1x Facility Client ($15)
1x Facility Regular ($25)

Change Log:

- New hip size treatments in the clinic - players can pay 200 G.G.P to increase their hip size, or 400 G.G.P to decrease it. Increasing their hip size will also increase their femininity score by 10, and subsequently decreasing it will move the player 10 points towards masculinity.

-  New shoulder width treatments in the clinic - players can pay 200 G.G.P to decrease their shoulder width, or 400 G.G.P to increase it. Decreasing their shoulder width will also increase their femininity score by 10, and subsequently increasing it will move the player 10 points towards masculinity. 

- Fingernail and toenail code has been added to the game and it's great. (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Nailcare kit is now buy-able in the store.

- Players who own the nail care kit can now paint their finger nails from their rooms wardrobe (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Players who own the nail care kit can now paint their toe nails from their rooms wardrobe (Thank you Prince Draco)

- The old contact lenses page in the wardrobe has been updated slightly, and will now also give the players who select certain special contact lens types additional details (such as cat-like contacts glowing like cat eyes do).

- The intro has been updated to factor in; weight, muscles, hip size and shoulder width. Men start with an additional point of shoulder width, women start with an additional point of hip size. The full treatment will lower the players muscles by a step and for men will alter their shoulder width and hip size as if they were a woman.

- New 'Non-Human' content tag for content featuring monsters and full-furry random NPC's. There's not much in the tag currently, but I feel that putting monster sex behind a tag (and furry sex, though there's not any in the game currently and if there was I'd probably create a furry tag) is probably the best option for allowing game customization. (Suggested by malus)

- (Commissioned) Players can now approach Lianne the administrator for help in the Mari quest-line.

- (Commissioned) Players can now pay 3000 G.G.P. to Lianne to secure Mari's freedom. 

- (Commissioned) Players can now agree to a special deal with Lianne to secure Mari's freedom.

- (Commissioned) Players can voluntarily opt into the pet-play trainer content by talking to Vincent in Fur Life after having met him previously. Doing so will award the player 3000 G.G.P, and is available as long as the player has yet to have a pet-play trainer visit. This will activate the pet-play trainer content if it was not previously activated, but will only be available as an option if the player has pet-play content active.

- (Commissioned) On the night of day 3 (or later if activated later), players can now encounter the first-time pet-play trainer visit, which can differ vastly depending on whether the player has previously met Vincent and/or agreed to the training. Players who have not voluntarily signed up to the training will be given 1000 G.G.P.

- (Commissioned) Simple pet-play visit - Vincent will sometimes briefly check-in on the player at night.

- (Commissioned) Head-petting pet-play visit - Vincent will sometimes briefly visit to give the player some head-pats. This visit can vary based on stats, but always awards 100 G.G.P

- (Commissioned) A whole bunch of tweaks and updates to the pet-play trainer code have been made.

- (Commissioned) The first Ashley diaper sex scene has been given additional content.

- (Commissioned) A second diaper sex scene for Ashley has been added, this one is more based around spanking.

- (Commissioned) Hannah's decision scene has now been updated. Players who have kept her happy up until that point can receive from between 0 and 20 relationship, whilst how they describe the situation to the guard will also add between 0 and 20 relationship with her.

- (Commissioned) Hannah post the big decision point now has two contacts pages, one for each of the paths (whether Hannah is in the nursery or not).

- (Commissioned) Hannah post the big decision point now has two relationship entries in the relationships page

- (Commissioned) Hannah (nursery) once the contacts page is available can be taken on a hang out session.

- (Commissioned) Hannah (dormitory) once the contacts page is available can be taken on a hang out session.

- (Commissioned) All the pet-girl trainer basic code is now in the game. (However, the scenes for it are still placeholders)

- Players can now buy a blue thong from the store

- Players can now buy a t-shirt and pants from the store (but it's very expensive)

- Payouts for the Club B and The Little Land Nursery, based on outfit types have now been fixed to work properly (Thank you malus)

- Finger nail and toe nail information is now in the examine window.

-  The trainer scenes showing when the player hasn't selected them bug is now fixed (Thank you malus)Thank you malus

- Payouts for wearing certain outfits in the Little Land Nursery job has now been fixed to be the right amount (Thank you malus) 

- Some typos in the brothel end scene have been fixed (Thank you Silky Mesmeriser)

- A bug with purchasing the change for certain milk types has been fixed (Thank you UsernamePending)

- Some minor bugs with the underwear code/descriptions have been fixed.

- 5 new underwear images have been added to the game.

- A collectable thank you card from Mari has been added to the game (but is not currently accessible). 

- Additional pronoun detection

- A few minor bug fixes 

Hope you have fun :) 


Raven Night

So I think I found a few bugs the first is during the Hannah scene when you meet the guard and have a choice to report Hannah to him, let both you and Hannah be punished, or let yourself take the fall. If you take the third option and take the fall instead of Hannah instead of being punished the game treats you as if it is the very first time you have taken the Nursery Land job and takes you through that intro adventure complete with payout. the second happens when when you run into the same guard again and he tries to punish you again by taking you back to the Nursery Land you are treated as if you just signed up for the job rather then being punished, the last one happens when you try to visit Hannah as a contact and chose to hang out with her instead of hanging out with her game just gives you a random travel advent and nothing more. anyway can't wait to see what comes next keep up the good work


Hi Raven Night ^_^ Thank you very much for locating these bugs for me. The Hannah content is itself extremely hard for me to test due to how complex and code dependent it is, so I'm especially glad for the assistance in this matter. The intention for the 'Player sent to the nursery' path is that the player effectively just ends up getting the normal nursery visit they would with a different introduction (as it'd be a huge undertaking to do otherwise, and the intro is necessary to establish all the characters), however it still sounds like some of the special encounter parts aren't working, so I'll take a good look over it. Meanwhile the Hannah hang out issue sounds like a full on bug. I'm currently working on a big work project (that will finish about Thursday-ish), however, as soon as that is finished I'll endeavor to fix these bugs immediately. Thank you once again, and happy gaming ^_^