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Hey everyone, and welcome to a regular Patreon build. This current build is currently at 532,934 words, and 909 passages, so about 28k words, along with some coding changes. There are some things that aren't as finished as I'd hoped, with the Restaurant Alfonsi quest in particular taking longer than expected, but I'm certainly happy with a lot of it.

The main content is; The general Mari the pick-pocketing vent dweller interactions (including the pick-pocketing trait), the Restaurant Alfonsi Quest (including a new ending - 10: Horsing Around), and the continuation of the ABDL Hannah content (now culminating in a big scene which has multiple outcomes which will lead to various Hannah dating paths/options in the future). I'll break these down one by one in a little detail below;

1/ Mari the vent-dweller can now be encountered the first time when players attempt to pick-pocket in the shopping hub. Being lead back to her home in the vents, players can talk to her and find out more about her  (getting a quest given on the fourth time), learn how to pick-pocket  more effectively (takes three training sessions), or sell her out to  Lianne the facility admin. Mari also has some ABDL content for players  who have visited the Little Land Nursery job, and have the appropriate  fetishes active. 

2/ Restaurant Alfonsi quest. Players who've been to the Restaurant  multiple times will be offered by Mr Alfonsi to taste test some of his  food, checking to see if there's anything odd about the ingredients. Of  the dishes the player has to test four to complete the quest. There are  hints to what does what, though some of them are false (they're rumors  after all). In total, four will cause a transformation, and four are  fine, so players can complete the quest without anything happening to  them. One of the choices leads to a new ending, Ending 10: Horsing  Around. There's also a choice of reward for the quest, with players  offered either 1500 G.G.P, or a 50% discount card for the restaurant.  Finally, players who eat the meatballs (which will soon have an image  produced for the scene), will also receive a commemorative collectable  item for their bedroom. 

3/ ABDL Hannah. After meeting Hannah and progressing to the point where the player has been diapered by her at least once, players will begin a countdown with every time they encounter her again. Either after six encounters or if the player has lodged a complaint about her, Hannah will be encountered by a guard over her actions. The player has the ability to comment on the situation, the outcome altered by their submissiveness. The outcomes are; Hannah is sent to the nursery, Hannah and the player are sent to the nursery (currently only half-finished, it's a long set of scenes), the player is sent to the nursery, neither is sent to the nursery (and things continue as before). Players who are sent to the nursery in any capacity will thereafter be sent back by a scene where that guard encounters you again.

Other additions include; Full quest-logs have been added to the side tab for both quest-lines, some bug fixes have been added, many of the links in the game have been swapped to a new less laggy method (not so much of an issue on the player side, but the editor slows down because of them), the thank you lists have been updated for June and July, and there's a new image by Silverjile added to the image pack (and game) - there's also two new ABDL images by Lilyblax, however, they're not currently not updated into the gallery or the game.   

In terms of polled content, the winning minor scene poll result is the degradationist brothel job encounter featuring edging and electro-play. It's very late right now, so I'll be adding the new minor scene poll (and readying the new art poll) after I get some sleep.

In other news, I've got some big things in the works in terms of  

Note: This build has a number of coding changes to how scenes transition from one to another, along with an unfinished path to do with ABDL Hannah. If you find any other bugs then please tell me and I'll deal with them as soon as possible. Sorry everyone.

Change Log:

- (Commissioned) Mari Pick-pocketing training - train 3 times to successfully learn the trait.

- (Commissioned) Pick-pocket trait - pick-pocketing is now significantly easier and has bigger rewards. Players should now succeed 75% of the time, fail but not get spotted 15% of the time, succeed but get spotted 5% of the time and fail but get spotted 5% of the time. These odds are much better. The trait is shown in the 'Skills/Traits' tab.

- (Commissioned) Mari hanging out scenes (3 minor variations)

- (Commissioned) Mari selling out - players can sell out Mari to Lianne the admin for 3000 G.G.P and a stern telling off. Betraying Mari will also offer some additional information and is technically an ending to her quest-line (but not one of the best ones obviously).

- (Commissioned) Mari quest start - upon hanging out with Mari for the fourth time, players will find out more about her backstory and be given a quest from her regarding it. (The quest is currently not added)

- (Commissioned) Mari quest, quest log entry - the full quest log for the Mari quest is now added to the quest log side tab. There's five endings planned (technically six), so hopefully it should a lot of fun.

- (Commissioned) Mari ABDL hang out - upon hanging out with Mari after having gone to the Little Land Nursery job, players with ABDL content active will have a special scene where Mari sees them on the TV at the job and dramatically changes her interactions with the player.

- (Commissioned) Mari ABDL interactions - almost all of Mari's interactions change, at least in some way, if the player has activated the first ABDL based hang out scene. This includes future hang outs being ABDL based, and Mari having lots of different text in other scenes.

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest start - players can start the Restaurant Alfonsi quest by visiting the main Restaurant Alfonsi room page on the fourth visit or so, but only when entering from the Recreational Hub.

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest main - players must pick four out of eight dishes to taste. Four of the dishes cause a TF, with one of them causing the player to game over. Completing the quest will reward the player with either a discount card for the restaurant or 1500 G.G.P.

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest game over - Ending 10: Horsing Around

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest discount card integration for the menu

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest collectable photograph received as a result of choosing one of the options. The photograph will be listed in your room description.

- (Polled) Alfonsi quest, quest log entry - the full quest log for the Restaurant Alfonsi mini-quest is now added to the quest log side tab. 

- (Commissioned) Hannah encounter path decision - players who've been diaper checked by Hannah 6 times or complained about her to admin will be confronted by a guard over Hannah's treatment of you. Your decision (along with your sub/dom stat) will result in one of four paths triggering.

- (Commissioned) Hannah is sent to the nursery - this path continues much like if the player paid Tony B to get rid of her, with the player encountering video clips of her in the nursery.

- (Commissioned) Hannah gets away with it and the player is sent to the nursery - this path forces the player to nursery, getting a differing intro but everything else is usual about the nursery job. The player will then be able to encounter the guard again when traveling to jobs/training (but not Hannah at this time), and taken back to the nursery job.

- (Commissioned) Hannah and player are sent to nursery - this path has a very special set of scenes (that are currently incomplete), but also will work the same way as the player sent to the nursery path, as the guard will be encounter-able and will bring you back if they do.

- (Commissioned) Hannah and the player are both ignored by the guard - this path means that things continue as usual with the diaper checks.

- Thank you list for June updated

- Thank you list for July updated

- Plushies purchasing grammar and spelling edits (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Mari meeting edits (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Mari ABDL fix (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Bedroom shelves fix (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Hannah diaper deal (first interaction) diaper detection bug fix (Than you Vicious Koala) 

- New image added from Silverjile - available in the art gallery and upon visiting the first date scene with Tilly.

- Some links updated to a new method (may cause bugs, please let me know)

- Various edits to allow for characters in the Hannah and ABDL content to recognize if they've met you before as there are now more ways of first encountering them.

- Tag fixes to the Restaurant Alfonsi quest line (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Additional grammar fixes and edits (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Lab testing job fur fix

- Two new images from Lilyblax (though sadly they're yet to be added to the gallery/game, just the folder)

- Additional pronoun detection

- A bucket-load of new variables added

- A few minor bug fixes 

Hope you have fun :) 


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