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Hi everyone, and welcome to another weekly update on what my plans are for The Repurposing Center. This isn't going to be a particularly productive month due to another on-going work project I have that's coming to deadline, though I hope to still get some work on my game development done.

I'd like to start by doing two things; 

- First, I'd like to apologize for a relatively spotty update schedule over the last couple of months. Things have been kind of all over the place with my Masters course (it's going fine, just that I picked a difficult and fast paced module, whilst working on this and on some existing software projects), the result is I've been more tired than usual, and had an odd schedule myself. Along with this I've had some weird writers blocks on some of the content, slowing me down further when I do have the time. 

However, on the bright side of all this, the next couple of months should be much better in terms of free time. Over September I only have one (admittedly large) coursework project to undertake, whilst October should be mostly free of work altogether. I'm hoping to get some serious work undertook these two months to really smash through some of the major content milestones that I've mentioned previously, but, until then, I'm sorry for the lower content months everyone.

- Secondly, I'm very happy to announce some major artwork commissions I've not got in the works. The first of which, to which I'm very excited to announce, is that I'll soon be adding artwork to every outfit and underwear set in the game (excluding ABDL clothing, for which I still need an artist for this). To go along with the massive amount of outfit art I'll also be undertaking the outfit overhaul I've intended for a while (though be gentle with me on this, it's a big coding effort). The other major artwork commission that I've got going is for my side project (which I'm slowly working on when I get the chance), for which I'm also proud to announce that I'll be adding a customize-able dynamic character portrait. The character portrait (for My Space Princess) will have; multiple breast sizes, lip sizes, eye colors, hair cuts, hair colors and special ear types (like cat-girl ears). Hopefully these additions will really help both of the games feel more involved :)



I still need to update the Patreon page to cover the active commission list, along with the updated commission information. (This message is mostly to remind myself to do it, and to confirm that this is my intention) 

The open commission spots as of this moment are:

- 1 x Facility Warden ($50)


Weekly Plans

My main focus is: Getting the (commissioned) Mari content finished. This means that I'll be trying to get her quest (with all 5 or so routes) finished. I'm some-way along with this, so my secondary focus is to push through some of the polled scene backlog.

This week, I'll also be working on; Mostly commissioned and polled content. I plan to work on, the (commissioned) Ashley diaper-based sex scene. If I have time, then I hope to work on the (commissioned) Villin second date, the (commissioned) Club B top tier job, the (polled) story-work on the dairy job and some work in starting the ABDL adventure that I've previously posted a piece of art for.

In terms of minor content, I'll be working on; Mostly polled content. Primarily, the (polled) bimbo movie scene, the (polled) hand milking oral dairy encounter, the (polled) Non-Con/Bondage scene of being mistaken for an escaped slave, a (polled) fem-dom cum feeding encounter, a (polled) bunny and cat-girl fight encounter, a (polled) dildo sucking competition, (polled) Alice asking questions random encounter, the (polled) brothel encounter where the player is requested bound due to a scared female client, a (polled) random encounter featuring the Wheel of Transformation game show, and finally a (polled) random encounter involving reluctant bunny-girl recruitment.


I think that's everything. Though, as always suggestions and comments are always welcome (and appreciated). 

Thank you everyone, and have fun ^_^


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