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Hi everyone, and welcome to another monthly and weekly update on what my plans are for The Repurposing Center. Between work and illness last month was a bit of bust, but fingers crossed this can be a fun month filled with a lot of awesome content ^_^

This should be a relatively big project plan update, so hang in there, there's a lot to cover!



I still need to update the Patreon page to cover the active commission list, along with the updated commission information. (This message is mostly to remind myself to do it, and to confirm that this is my intention) 

The open commission spots as of this moment are:

- 1 x Facility Manager (25$) - Add a minor character (about 2.5k words) to the game.


Monthly Plans

This month, my main aim is; To finish up the first major section of the auction ending route. I hope to get the auction ending through the first examination stage and up to around the night-time sleeping stage (about mid-way, maybe a little less, through the route).  

The full plans for the auction system are as follows (for those who've played the first couple of scenes for it, you may already have a hint to what that entails, for others this might be a slight spoiler). The ending route is a long and involved process, with the player making multiple decisions that will impact their auction value along the way. Those tests, last minute interactions, and final preparations for the auction will be a detailed experience for players, running up to the auction itself in which NPC's the player has grown close to, along with a randomly selected set of NPC's specifically first introduced during the pre-auction interactions will bid on the player, each having at least one ending attached to them. This is of course, a lot term goal, one that will be constantly worked upon during the projects life-cycle, however, I want to get at least a bit further on it this month.

I also want to work on some more scenes for the Degradationist brothel so it's a complete job (at least three scenes for both versions of it), after which I'll be able to move onto the next major community polled content section. Further, I have goals to add new (polled) major story scenes to the dairy job, moving that story along, whilst also adding new scenes to the (commissioned) Club B top tier job. There's also (commissioned) Mari the vent dwelling pickpocket who I hope to work on majorly this update, as well as (commissioned) ABDL Hannah content ,the (polled) Tilly second date, and the (polled) minor quest to taste-test the various dishes at Restaurant Alfonsi (some of which may have TF effects). Finally, I want to work on the first stand-alone quest for the ABDL nursery.

And, on the note of commissions, the more minor ones I've still got to work through this month are; a (commissioned) diaper testing task in the nursery job, and a (commissioned) ABDL/Diaper sex scene with Ashley the ABDL trainer, and a little more of the (commissioned) Villin the bunny herm. 


Weekly Plans

This week, I'll be working on; Mostly commissioned and polled content. I've caught up a bit, but I still want to work on through with both of these as I've gathered a bit of a back log. I have plans to do more work on the (commissioned) Mari the vent girl, getting her first encounter and probably some more of her general interactions done this week. I'll also be working hard on the auction ending, seeing how far I can get with that. If I have time, then I'll be working on the (polled) Tilly second date, the (commissioned) Ashley diaper-based sex scene, the (commissioned) Villin second date, and the (commissioned) Hannah major decision point with various character outcomes. I may also do some more (polled) story-work on the dairy job and some more (commissioned) work on the Club B top tier job.

In terms of minor content, I'll be working on; Mostly polled content, with some more minor commissioned work too. Primarily, the (polled) bimbo movie scene, the (polled) hand milking oral dairy encounter, the (polled) Non-Con/Bondage scene of being mistaken for an escaped slave, a (polled) fem-dom cum feeding encounter, a (polled) bunny and cat-girl fight encounter, a (polled) dildo sucking competition, and lastly a (polled) Alice asking questions random encounter.


The winning poll results are; for the minor poll the female brothel client who requests you bound down (for her safety), and for the monthly art poll the player growing bigger breasts as they eat a meal (with the associated minor quest being added to the game). New polls will go up tomorrow, sorry for the delay on these, I'll give the minor weekly poll a little more time than usual as a result.


A bit of a long update there, so if you've got this far I commend you. I think that's everything. Though, as always suggestions and comments are always welcome (and appreciated). 

Thank you everyone, and have fun ^_^



Don't forget to hug your plushies or they'lll be sads!


Too true, hugging your stuffies makes everything better ^_^ I've been thinking for a while about adding in some more soft toys for the player to have in their room, maybe even with a hugging option ;)


that would be great we need more huggable plushies eberywheres :)

Raven Night

when you do could you include the special submissiveness inducing effect from hugging the Bear that the ABDL trainer gives you?


Thank you for the reminder Raven Night ^_^ I'd always intended to add in an on-going effect from having the special bear the trainer gives you. So, in the next update not only is the special plushie mentioned when you go to sleep, but it also has a trait attached to it which explains it better. I'm also half way through a room upgrade to have lots of plushies which will allow players to take a relaxing nap for some energy (actions) back. Hope that all sounds good ^_^