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Hey everyone, and welcome to another weekly public build. This current  build is currently at 378,989 words, and 718 passages, so about 8k words. This isn't a build I'm particularly happy with to be honest. I'm sorry for the delays this has seen, and for the general lack of content within it. Health issues had plagued me the last couple of weeks at the time I wrote this build, and have certainly taken their toll on this project. I'm doing a lot better now as I write this, and the next build feels more substantial (if always I little less than I intended).

On another note  (and I slightly happier one), I'm glad to announce that I've passed 500 likes on TFGamesSite, which feels like a pretty big milestone for the  project. Thank you everyone for your continued support, you're all  amazing and really help motivate me to do my best ^_^ 

The main  content is; the penile sex skill's training scenes have now been fully implemented. I'm very happy to announce this, as it means that the core  training scenes are not all in the game, and I'll now be able to move  onto the next major project area, the Auction end-game section.

In terms of minor content I've also added;  Dr Radcliff now has a contacts page in the room tablet, including the start of asking him out and a full hang out option. I've also updated the game to include the Silverjile hucow milking image, updated the Thank You page for this month and the last, added two new job encounters  for the boring job, added room descriptions for the mini-teddy bear and the model jet kit, added a quick line where players going to the milking job won't over-spill on the way there, and a couple of other minor things. 

Change Log

- 3 new standard penile training scenes

- 3 new extra penile training scenes for post-mastery players

- Dr Radcliff now has a contacts page in the players room tablet.

- Players can now hang out with Dr Radcliff through their room tablet, having coffee with him in his lab.

- Players can now ask Dr Radcliff out on a date (though the date itself is a placeholder).

- Added 2 new boring job encounters. One where the player picks up litter, but has difficulties doing so, the other where players must deliver an extremely heavy package across the facility.

- Fixed start statement about upkeep mode still saying that it increased by 50 G.G.P rather than 100 G.G.P (Thanks Michiko)

- Fixes to the Udder and Pouch code in the examine window (Thanks Prince Draco)

- Grammar fixes, and a fix to the experimental hucow encounter, where players with maximum breast size already would get a conflicting statement (Thanks Prince Draco)

- Fixed a rare issue where players wouldn't be able to choose having their diaper changed after wetting and messing simultaneously (Thanks Prince Draco)

- Cheats to minimize; femininity, masculinity, submissiveness, dominance, have all been added. (Suggested by Prince Draco)

- Breast masturbation now briefly mentions the players udder if they have one.

- The teddy mentioned in the ABDL trainer scene is now given to the player as an inventory item. That teddy will appear in your room description. (Suggested by Prince Draco)

- The model jet kit has been added to the bedroom description. (Suggested by Prince Draco)

- A new NSFW image of a hucow player character being milked has been added to both the gallery and to the game. Them image was created by Silverjile ^_^

- Players who're heading to the industrial dairy job, but would otherwise have leaked out all of their milk will now milk themselves a little to avoid that happening (Suggested by Sheenariel)

- Grammar fixes to the Hannah scenes, and diaper changes should now properly work (Thanks Vicious Koala)

- Some fixes to the scales Fur Life treatment (Thanks Prince Draco)

- Fixes to brothel payout so it now properly factors in the players anal training skill (Thanks ben569)

- A few assorted grammar fixes (Thanks ben569)

- Updated Thank You list for February

- Updated Thank You list for March

- Updated some of the codes JavaScript (Thank you to both greyelf and TheMadExile)

- Updated all the IF statements in the game to the modern alternative (Thank you TheMadExile for reminding me)

- A selection of grammar fixes (Thanks to Sunset-Shimmer)

- Ears descriptions in the examine window should once again work properly (Thanks to Michiko)

- Mobile mode now gives you a static game title, rather than a broken image link (Suggested by ben569)

- A few minor bug fixes and grammar updates

Hope you have fun :) 



Sort of stumbled across this game and whatnot. At the start of the game it asks for certain filters, particularly the "sexuality selection". How does that function? Because when I select that I'm only interested in women, I was caught off-guard by a scene where a man receives a blow-job in an elevator from a HuCow, which is the type of content I do not want to see. (Not to mention the dialogue suggests the character wanted to see more, which I struggle with). Perhaps I'm an odd case since I can only watch solo/lesbian content (as I find watching another male forgoing sexual acts repulsive). These filters and things are why I can withstand certain games as there are a lot of... unconventional fetishes out there. (Didn't know "Watersports" and "Diapers" were a thing until I found this... needless to say I keep those disabled). I guess the main example of this that I've been following is Lilith's Throne, which does have the potential for a lot of furry/herm content that I avoid. Able to disable male/female characters entirely outside of named NPCs which you don't have to engage in sexual acts with anyway. I just keep it female only. Anyway, just my bit of feedback, sorry if it's a bit of a long read. O.o


Hello DarkChaos ^_^ First of all I'd like to apologize for my slow reply, and thank you for taking the time to comment on my game. Feedback is always extremely handy, and also greatly appreciated. Whilst I'm not sure what you mean by a blow job scene from a HuCow, as there is only on Hucow related random encounter found in the lifts (and it's heavily filtered to stop players accidentally interacting with it), I appreciate your stance on this. Maybe if I explained the situation of programming a game like this that it'd be a bit easier to properly convey some of the issues faced when handling large scale filtering. Now, I really like what I've seen of Lilith's Throne, and have enjoyed playing it a little when I've had the time. Sadly, we're not creating something similar in terms of game engine, and some things that people think would be 'simple fixes' just aren't. Where as Lilith's Throne heavily relies on combat-like encounters to offer up its erotic interactions, I write lengthy scenes filled with alterations based on the players stats. The problem with this is, that if players are given the option to filter too heavily, I soon as a result have players messaging me with complaints in droves that they can't find any content. Whilst I'm happy to do what you're asking to an extent, creating a 'male/female npcs only' option would be a nightmare to implement, having to rewrite 100's of long encounters and place contingencies for when a player removes the scenes in question. Personally, I think I meet a happy medium on this, by having some 'viewing' scenes in the game to establish what being in the facility is like, whilst also heavily filtering the encounters so that no fetish content (or sexual interactions of the player with someone they're not interested in) can occur. I hope that makes sense. Sadly, this falls into the same category as having the players personal pronoun preference featured in the game. It's a nice thought, but something that would take me weeks solely working on it to implement, would be extremely hard to factor into the code, and would create so many bugs at the same time that I wouldn't want to look into it without having some pretty big assurances that it was something that players were strongly interested in. I feel I've rambled a bit, and been somewhat negative, which wasn't my intention. I do appreciate the feedback, and it's a very nice idea. But, I'm just not sure on the feasibility. P.S. The only elevator blow-job scene I can remember is the one of the slave girl wanting to suck off her master, where the player is curious over the bet going on between the two. If that's the scene you meant, then the player isn't interested in seeing the blowjob itself.


Yes, that scene sounds like what I was referring to. I guess the real question is, can you alter scenes via filters or is it an all-or-nothing system? (Filtered has suggestive dialogue without displaying the blowjob; Unfiltered displays the blowjob upfront) There was also a scene where Henry's dialogue was coloured pink when speaking with Rachel at the dairy. A line lower also displayed non-coloured dialogue: "It can’t be all that bad, can it?" (Missing the end quotation for "player" in the class object). P.S. I've witnessed a number of these games on Patreon but I guess the one thing I've come to like is being able to talk to the developers and knowing the feedback really matters. I don't have the finances to support anything currently, but I do still like to show support however I can. P.P.S. I found a few games looking for Breast Expansion fetish content (L-cup being the largest was somewhat disappointing), but I guess I'm in a small minority as it seems to be a very minor part of all the games I've found. Though I still get by with any breast-related content. Any chance we can befriend/hook-up with the girl that gives the B(r)e(a)st hugs? ;) EDIT: The scene where cum drips down on you from above (in the elevator) is also a situation I wish was 'filtered'. Again, that depends on whether that is feasible for your development. In these situations I honestly just re-load my save (such that it never happened) and proceed hoping it doesn't randomly happen again.


Hey again DarkChaos ^_^ There's a lot to unpack here, so I'll answer matters point by point, as some of the answers are going to be a little long (and the comment section on Patreon is a bit hard work when I'm typing on my laptop, so I've lost this all once already). --- Altering scenes via filters isn't too tough some of the time, and I do it far more than you might necessarily think (there are even scenes that completely shift the gender of the NPC's you're interacting with). The issue though is somewhat two-fold, firstly for extended scenes it can be very tricky to create all the proper tailoring to fit everyone's desires. And, secondly (but probably more importantly), because I need to find the right balance between offering filters and overwhelming players with too many filtering choices that they miss content that they want to see. One of the bigger issues with what you're asking for at the moment is that there are people who want to remove there own character having sex with one type of NPC (for example players who play male but disable male sexual partners because they don't want to have homosexual sex) , but still want to see other sexual interactions. I'm happy to make changes to a few scenes here and there to make things happier for people who don't want to be pigeon-holed into their character 'feeling' one way or another, as I know this bothers some people (which is why I put in the sexual preference system in the first place). But, I don't think I can afford to spend the massive amount of time to factor in an only male or female NPC play through. If that makes sense. Though, if there were a lot of people asking for it (or I was commissioned for it) then maybe it'd be worth the time and bugs it would cause. --- Thank you for the bug spot. That sounds like an error with my speech tagging system, so I'll get on top of that right away. Bug finds are always greatly appreciated, and help the game progress (and for me to iron out the kinks) significantly ^_^ --- I very much understand this mindset. I just want everyone to be happy and have some good fun playing my game, that's why I put it out there free after all. I mean, it's nice being able to keep the lights running so to speak (and to afford custom artwork for my projects), but I appreciate that many people can't afford to support my work financially. As ever, I'm always glad to hear feedback and gather suggestions from people willing to give them. I do try to factor in any suggestion I receive in one way or another, though sometimes it can take a long time depending on the workload. Either way, it's always a pleasure to talk about the ongoings of my project and the design purpose behind various things, and it often helps me better plan out systems and content ^_^ --- Breast Expansion is a bit of a tricky content area to write for, especially if we're talking about the major expansion situations. I've got a bit in the game, and am always happy to write more. L-cups are still pretty huge all things considered, practically at the boundary of carry-able breasts, and the game does have a couple of scenes (including an ending) related to the player having hyper-boobs so large they can't move on their own. The girl with large breasts from the random encounter isn't likely to ever become a major character. However, Tilly has pretty decently sized breasts, and Ashley (the exhibitionism trainer) and Britney (the bimbo scientist met through bimbo hypnosis) both have very large boobs and will also be fully featured (and date-able characters (with Britney being the next major NPC to get that status after I finish up on Dr. Radcliff). --- The cum filling elevator scene is actually already filtered. You can only see the full scene if you have non-con active (I couldn't find a better tag for the scene), but I get your point. After talking things through with you, I think that I could at least add in another couple of content tags. Maybe something like 'Hyper-Cum' for that and a couple of planned scenes, and probably something specifically for hermaphrodites too. Like I've mentioned, completely blocking out one gender of (even minor) NPC and every scene that relates to them in any sexual situation at all would be unfeasible, at least for anything other than a major overhaul, but a couple of tweaks here and there I can probably manage. Hope that answers everything ^_^


Yeah, I am not asking to REMOVE scenes entirely, but as I mentioned, tweaking scenes based on certain filters. The example I gave was that the scene in the elevator, the blowjob would/would not actually happen (though in both cases the suggestive language would still be used) depending on if the person has filtered out male-sexual content. And of course I can't say I know when certain filters are being applied as I am rather unwilling to remove certain filters just to check (Perhaps I'm too particular about such things). But otherwise I can only notice events that I feel should be filtered. I am not the one developing the game so it is up to your own judgement whether these are feasible for development given your own work times and schedule. I simply offer my own suggestion as someone experiencing the content provided. And finally, regarding breast expansion content: I guess ideally for a dating partner, if you are interested in creating them, would be one whose sexual habits are centered around various forms of breast play. I guess in that regard I can't possibly ask you to "cater" to my own interests (I am but one person among many) and that's entirely toward your discretion. A lot of the 'bimbo' characters (including Tilly) I find off-putting based on their personality (or lack-thereof) as well as their sexual disposition and the way that's presented. *Regarding that the exhibitionist trainer is the only real option I have. Perhaps a girl at the dairy? (not necessarily a HuCow) but again, I can't impose that upon you unless you felt that it is worth the work in implementing such a character. Anyways, that was just a long bit of rambling, hope I didn't take up too much of your time reading/responding to all of this. P.S. I did experience the "Boobacious Girl" ending, but as I said it wasn't a complaint, so much as a statement that these elements tend to be rather minor. Adventure High focuses on Hypnosis-Mind control, LT has a large quantity of Furry content, etc.. If I could afford commissioning work from certain developers (to have my own interests met) I would. But alas, in a world run by money, I can only make the most out of the free games out there. P.P.S. I guess a 'cum' filter would be ideal as I know a lot of people (such as myself) aren't interested in sexual fluids from one's loins. But again, it is your project ultimately. I will offer my feedback but if my interests aren't feasible for you to work with, it wouldn't be fair to you to adhere to one person. Worst case scenario for me is I would unfortunately have to look for other projects, which isn't any fault of your own simply that our interests don't align.


Hello again DarkChaos ^_^ Sorry for the slow response (again), I've been getting used to my new schedule and it's been pretty tiring. I'll try to answer everything, but there's a lot to work through, so if I miss anything then give me a poke and I'll give a response to that too. --- I understood your stance on filtering (sorry if that didn't come through over the internet, it's easy to lose intention when writing). The issue was, that there are lots of people who use the filter to remove sex with one gender (for example males) only because they don't want to interact with homosexual content, but still want to interact with viewing other NPC's engage in heterosexual content, if that makes sense. To properly provide what you're asking, I'd need to either; create two new filters for removing male or female scenes, expand the sexuality system to include two new options for not seeing scenes with people of a certain gender at all, or create a whole new variable to cover 'who you see' in the game. All of these options, however, would be immense undertakings, and sadly wouldn't be feasible without huge community support or commissioning, as I barely have time to cover commissions, polls, and core content as it is. --- I'm sorry to hear that you've not found much interest in the various large breasted female options (though the lack of personality comment is a little uncalled for, Britney is a little early in development still, but I like to think that Tilly's a lot more complex than she likes to let on). Hopefully I can get one of the HuCow girls as a relationship option before too long (the next one is Britney). --- Glad to hear that you managed to find the BE ending, as I now its one of those that; easy to find but also easy to miss. Also, don't worry about the money issue, commissioning is greatly appreciated and keeps the lights on, but I'm always happy to talk about content with anyone with anyone who's willing to put the time in to give some feedback ^_^ --- I've added in the 'cum' filter (only a couple of scenes behind it now, but it gives me space for the future). I've also added in a herm filter and a pronoun choice (though the pronoun matter isn't something that I'll be able to fix fully for a long time). Hopefully that'll keep people happy for a while. Thank you for your thoughts, fingers crossed the new changes will make the game a more enjoyable experience for you. It's been nice chatting with you, and I'm always happy to listen to input ^_^


Okay, that seems like an appropriate medium. I didn't mean to mock your characters when I said "lack of personality", but I find a lot of 'bimbo' characters are often overly stereotyped in these types of games and that was the sort of impression I had on the characters so far (I haven't explored everything, so do understand that was an 'early impression'). I guess some of that also came from the random-encounter 'bimbos' who obviously aren't important enough to show any real depth. I will still keep an eye on this project, but I've expressed all my feedback/impressions for the time being. It will be awhile before I can sustain an affordable income to support certain projects. So for the time being my word is all I can offer. P.S. From what I gather from your statement on filtering, others would rather have the random observations of NPCs remain hetero, while simply disabling the ability to have sex with males themselves. From that stance I guess I'm in the minority in that I can't watch heterosexual content, only content that excludes males entirely (not even strap-ons). Which from what I've witnessed is rather uncommon.


I'm sorry for the slow response, I've been a bit out of it over the weekend. Don't worry, I get that bimbo characters can come off a little same-y. I was pretty stressed out when I wrote that response, and I think I came off a little snippy, if so, I'm sorry. I also agree, the random encounter characters often do come off as relatively shallow (except the few who are placeholders for real characters), so I can understand your point. Thank you for all your feedback, and for having this chat with me. It's helped a lot in giving me the opportunity to really formulate some of my points. As I've said before, don't worry about financially supporting, it helps a lot too, but I never want anyone to feel pressured into such matters. Hopefully I can provide good content that you'll continue to enjoy in the future ^_^ P.S. Yes, that's pretty much what I was trying to say previously (albeit a little poorly looking back). Maybe one day I can write specifically that sort of system (and I'd like that), but for now it's just not feasible sadly.