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Hi everyone. I'm awfully sorry, but there were a couple of decent sized bugs that managed to sneak into the most recent build. 

After being notified of them, I've done my best to solve them as soon as possible. But, it's possible that there may be additional bugs in these noted areas. Once again, sorry for any disappointment to any of you caused by these issues.

P.S: Since originally making this post another major ABDL based bug has been brought to my attention. As such I've re-uploaded again as build C. Sorry about messing up things so badly on this build, I'll make sure in the future not to code when I'm ill.

Change Log

- Separated out first visit encounter from Club B job, and fixed repeating options problem (Thank you Prince Draco)

- Fixed issue with ABDL trainer accident not triggering (Thank you PaddedLocks)

- Fixed a couple of issues with the Club B job's new herm integration

- Fixed issues with ABL trainer accident scene getting stuck in a loop (Thank you PaddedLocks)



Uh, is it supposed to be attached?


They updated the previous post with the new one. That said the ABDL trainer accident scene now triggers but goes into an infinite loop preventing the player moving on.


Hey Prince Draco ^_^ Sorry about any confusion, this post was just to notify people of the changes and what they are. The fixed build has been re-uploaded to the weekly Patreon build post under the (b) versioning.


Really? I'm sorry about that, I've been in bed most of the week ill and seem to have made a real mess of the code this time. I thought things were all fine, but I only test things one passage at a time, so certain types of bugs are hard for me to catch. I'll sort that one out too and re-upload again.


It's all good thanks for the hard work and quick replies. Hopefully you feel better soon.


I really appreciate the quick bug finds, and thank you for the best wishes ^_^ I've re-uploaded with the bug fix for the ABDL trainer loop issue, so hopefully that should now be resolved. It was a minor issue that I should have caught, so I'm extremely sorry for its presence. As for my health, it's sadly been a bit of an issue for a while, though this week has been worse than for a long time. Fingers crossed it'll die down again soon, but I probably need another day or two of mostly bed rest. Thank you.

Raven Night

Just got this game and have been loving it, its really fun. I think I found a bug with Mildred that is caused when you take diaper training or do the ABDL job for the first time, after her first scene where she tells you she is taking charge of your life she stops doing the other scenes and just repeats one scene over and over telling you that you have been good and have no punishments even if you have alot of complaints and have high diaper punishments too. I think some of this stems from Mildred still being incomplete as a whole but it would be nice if she did continue to have some of her other scenes mixed in once she does take charge like trying to give you the teddybear or the juice scenes only with declining her now world be met with punishment or angering her rather then Mildred just being dejected.


Hi Raven Night, and thank you very much, I'm glad you've been enjoying my content ^_^ Sadly, what you're describing isn't a bug but currently unfinished content (sorry about that, I meant to have completed at least some of that last week, but was delayed a little). The scene where she tells you that you've been good is a placeholder at the moment for the upcoming task system. That scene is what plays when she hasn't given the player a task that morning, so doesn't have any rewards or punishments to give the player. However, whilst the scenes like the teddy and the onesie, are there to push the player towards accepting either diaper training or the ABDL nursery job. I'll likely create some variants of those scenes for players who've got to the task stage, they'll just be less subtle about matters like you describe. Hope that answers your question, and thank you for the compliments and suggestions ^_^

Raven Night

Thank you for clarifying that, I had a feeling that it was just placeholder, really looking forward to seeing what tasks Mildred has in mind (heh heh). Also was wondering if Mildred has either currently or will in the future have a scene where she actively starts your diaper training prior to you taking the ABDL training or working in Nursery Land?


No worries Raven Night ^_^ I do have plans in the ABDL trainer content, where Aunt Mildred will begin to more actively pressure characters towards ABDL/Diapers (with failure to do so leading the ABDL based 'bad ends'). But the full details of how the plans are going to work out are still being figured out, so I don't want to promise anything and then have to change it. Sorry about that being a bit of non-answer.