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Hi everyone and welcome to another new weekly update.

My main plans this week are; firstly, to work on getting the examine windows up and running. My hope is that all the various pieces of character information will have a special place in the sidebar options, so players can easily find what skills, appearance, inventory, quests and stats, the player has gained through play. Secondly, I'm a bit behind in terms of commissions, so I'm hoping to really buckle down on getting them back in order so I'm caught up.

In terms of smaller content; I want to get a bit more done on the new ABDL nursery job, including expanding on the nap time option. I also want to add an extra holiday encounter into the bar, which will involve Santa's elves turning up after the player buys some 'egg nog'. If I have some time, I want to work on the watersports content, and possibly if I have time then I'd like to add in a masturbate option for hermaphraditic players.

I think that's everything. If anyone has any questions, or suggestions, feel free to drop a comment below :) 


Layla the Silken

Will the ABDL fetish scenes have any kind of penetration or forced oragasm for the PC? as an added punishment you are given an extremely plush and fluffy diaper that extends off of you like 7 inches and is really squishy and fluffy making diaper checks extra difficult so more rubbing and feeling is needed as a consequence of such diapers? But also perhaps addressing the constant erect or hard clitty that needs to be taken care of in a way that is appropriate to their attire or a more girly way?


The main ABDL content is going to be mostly angled towards being cute and a little humiliating rather than overtly sexual. For example, the alternate nap scenes that I'm working on involve various ABDL npcs cuddling up to you, playing minor pranks on you, etc. However there will be sex in it, just some more so in some sections than others (adventures for example will have a lot more sexual content). But, don't worry, there's still lots of diaper orgasms and sexy ABDL punishments yet to come ^_^ Also, you have some fun ideas there, I'm going to put at least some of the above into the game (in some form or another) :)