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Hey everyone, an update with lots of minor stuff and background work mostly, though still a few fun new changes.

The big updates are the changes to your dorm room. Players can now somewhat customize their room through the shop. At the moment this is mostly just changing the color of certain items (which is why I included the images unlike normal with alpha builds). It does however, by upgrading your room level, allow you to gain more actions in the sandbox at the cost of increasing your upkeep.

Players can now also masturbate their penis in their room and hang out with Tilly through the contact. I've removed the sleep option from the sidebar at night, it led to too many bugs as it currently stands. I've also added that on waking up on day 7 your upkeep will increase by 50 G.G.P (to help push players into more high paying work).

The biggest changes are behind the scenes and may cause some issues, so please report any you see, I've check thoroughly but there were a lot of changes. Behind the scenes the game is now much easier to check through / edit. And also, should be easier to add to for things like the brothel, or traveling.

Change Log:

- NSFW penis masturbation scene

- Room customization. Players can customize their room through the store, making it a little more to their tastes.

- Room level upgrade. This will be expanded later, at the moment it slightly changes the description, increases upkeep, and gives the players more actions per time segment in the sandbox.

- Hang out with Tilly scene through contact page

- Upkeep increases by 50 G.G.P on waking up day 7

- Behind the scenes major refactor, system should now be much easier to add new content. Resultingly, this has removed a couple of duplicate scenes so word-count has reduced slightly (though only by 2-3k words).

- Minor new images (just re-colors) for new bed and wardrobe options

- Removed sleep option from side-bar late at night, it was too buggy at the moment

- Patreon supporters added to the thank you page ^_^

- Bug and grammar fixes

Have fun :)


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