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  • dva_step.mp4



Still a work in progress, lots of stuff is missing, some animation parts are still only blocked out, but I wanted to get a good sense of how it's all looking.

This was going to a short little animation, but I liked how things are turning out so I'm extending it. The final will have growth, butt crush, lots of destruction, and very, very big ladies.

"But where's Mei????" You're asking. Don't worry, she with make a grand appearance :)

Lot's of WIPs, recently, I know. I'm trying to have a new philosophy going forward of always letting you guys know what's going on. I know in the past of had occasional multi-week streaks of not posting anything, and I'm not going to let that happen anymore.





Looking forward to it! ❤️

Chibi Biscuit

The animation here is really snappy! (And Mei is bae, I can't wait to see her role in this)