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* You notice a guy covered in paint with a bunch of papers under his arms and a cup of coffee in his hand running from one side to the other

*He glances at you, carries on, and as if his brain just understood what just happened glances back at you, he tries quickly to lay the papers on a desk but they fall, shakingly he approaches you


Hello there!

Long time no see old friend.

*The guy approaches you while leaving behind a trail of coffee drops

Its been a while since we have had this one-sided conversation eh, I apologize for it! You know how it goes with work. planning and communication.

*No, you dont

Huh? You don't? Ah, I see, I see.

Well. Don't worry much about it! What I'm trying to say, is I have been busy doing stuff, well, for you! And I realized you don't really know what I have been doing for your enjoyment eh.

*The guy puts his hand on your shoulder

Of course! I know you trust me but still! I figure I should be giving you some updates on what has been happening, after all I appreciate your support, my friend.

*You try to take a step back but he is still grabbing you by the shoulder, you start to wonder why you came back here

So! Let me lay out what has been happening and what coming soon:

Let's talk first about the game since that one has been paused and released, and all that


First of all thank you for playing the alpha/beta, I gathered a lot of feedback and I think, I know how to make it way better. Here's where some problems arise, remember how I said I had some help before? Well, the person who was helping me had to take care of some other stuff and its in hiatus as of now, which means Im back solo on the coding part. The good news is that the back work of the work is still there, the bad news is that the ideas that I had to push that project even further are now on hold since its back to me doing the code.

This leaves me in a bit of a weird spot, first of all, the game was supposed to be finished like, MONTHS ago. The other 2 routes are pretty much content complete, but they need to be implemented and "steamrolled" as certain dog refers too. So, the idea is to get back to this project as soon as I finish the current winner of the Voice of the Dead poll, but, the ideas I had for the game may have to take a step back so I can finish it and y'all can play it.

I apologize for the fact that is has yet to be completed, I genuinely understated how long it would take me. I have said what has happened a bit in the past, but, turns out its just harder than expected to make those kinds of projects.

So, I said that after the current winner Im back to that right?

Well. You are probably wondering which idea won...

and...the winner...is.....


The Toriel and Ceroba's spotlight work. So yeah! Look forward to that one, I have already started working on that animation, it has been very fun so far, so hopefully you guys like it as much as the VOTD who upgraded it.

And well. Thats the current things that have my hands tied up.

Besides that, I have been doing those loops and super sprites, which have been pretty fun, I think they help diversify a bit of the content, but Im also aiming to do some mini scenes between there and then.

I wanna know what you would like to see in those minis, FNF? SK? TMNT?

Feel free to either say it here or the discord.

*He says as he keeps staring at you. You wonder why does he has to make everything so uncomfortable...


Deso's Prophet

I wonder to myself internally: "Can't he just send me an email?"