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Please make sure you sub to my UGETube feed (and Rumble) as I have YT again deleting my videos!



Also, Nutn, I like how you let us know that you uploaded this video on UGETube. You may already do this, but if you could always put a note on here letting us know when you upload video that is not already on here. I am subscribed to your Rumble and UGEtube and I think one other platform besides this one and youtube. That is just alot of platforms to keep track of. I'd prefer to just keep track of your content on here. Thanks again Nutn for all the great content and life lessons.


Usually the banner content ends up on it, the stuff that's not as popular just ain't worth all the hassle of wrangling and copying it all


I was on deployment from mid 2019 to mid 2020 to the Middle East. I know I’ve mentioned it before but when I came back to the United States it was devastating how many liberties we as a country were happy to give up when we got into 2021 and beyond. The freest country on the planet letting cities burn and the general populous turning on YOU if you expressed any concern about government intrusion into private businesses and personal lives in the name of “Covid.” Law enforcement literally standing there and watching peoples livelihoods and stores get burned to the ground during ANTIFA domestic terrorist demonstrations because they were too afraid of getting cancelled. Being away and coming back really highlighted how drastically this country started to change around that timeframe To this day I feel unable to express my beliefs in a public setting for fear of work related repercussions. As the breadwinner of my family I cannot afford to take that chance and unfortunately have to express myself quietly in groups of like minded individuals such as this one. Thankful to you guys and NUTN for holding the line of sanity in this time.


Welcome back from the sandbox. NOW, the real War begins right here it turns out: just saw FJB gave Iran access to another $10Billion!? SMH...