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Like I say the best days of TNP are still ahead. Here I show you just some of the highlights of our "Life Hike" with Macie the Mountain dog. It was mostly a grueling hike in slippery mud but man did we find some cool places and great views.  Really this hike is just like life: you feel like you're just trudging along and you ask yourself why. You feel like giving up. But if you preserver through the hard times you'll find reward. Yep just like life. Macie is our little athlete, I keep her in shape for this. She has a fun, energetic, indomitable personality. With viewer support I might post the "actual" version of the Life Hike too.


Nutnfancy Wilderness: 'Life Hike' Memories

Like I say the best days of TNP are still ahead. Here I show you just some of the highlights of our "Life Hike" with Macie the Mountain dog. It was mostly a grueling hike in slippery mud but man did we find some cool places and great views. Really this hike is just like life: you feel like you're just trudging along and you ask yourself why. You feel like giving up. But if you preserver through the hard times you'll find reward. Yep just like life. Macie is our little athlete, I keep her in shape for this. She has a fun, energetic, indomitable personality. With viewer support I might post the "actual" version of the Life Hike too.



What a beautiful reminder of how awesome this planet is, its easy to forget in the concrete jungle. Thanks Nutn!


Gen 1:31 - God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.