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Hello TNP Patron family! I'm planning on being at Handgun Haven on 18 June, SLC, UT at 10 AM (don't arrive any sooner please). I'll have a table set up to visit with you and sign up to three Hall of Fame reviewed items.  And we can hang out and talk about gear, TNP content, politics, or whatever. It will be a good time to network with other TNPrs as well.

There will be some lame music there and probably some embarrassing snacks. But really it's just going to be another marginally acceptable meet and greet BUT it's something. I'll have the TNP Titan there with dogness.  For you out of state, sorry for the short notice.  Scheduling demands make this necessary with my upcoming backpack trips.

Adam at HH has some 9mm ammo for cheap he want's to sell at reduced price to you also.

I hope to see as many of your elite TNPrs as is possible!



The store is in WVC.


Missed it. Hope to make the next one