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Here's the update on what I've had to deal with in the last few days!  I lost a lot but in a lot of ways I got real lucky. The TNP Lance trailer will no longer stay in the shit hole called Kalifornia.


Nutnfancy Ripped Off!

Here's the update on what I've had to deal with in the last few days! I lost a lot but in a lot of ways I got real lucky. The TNP Lance trailer will no longer stay in the shit hole called Kalifornia.



I know it’s frustrating and you feel violated but please don’t condemn the entire state of California I’ve been to Utah Salt Lake in particular and there’s some shit holes there too. You have low lives everywhere in good old America . All you can do is look on the Bright side and thank God you even have the trailer and other stuff they didn’t take. Again please don’t condemn The entire state there’s a lot of beauty here and good people here . 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


January 14th of this year the van I had been living in since 2016 in Los Angeles was stolen in Marina Del Rey. I went from a house and vehicle to a t-shirt and shorts - that’s it. Thank god my wallet and phone were in my pocket. 9 months later and I’m back in Wisconsin getting ready for a winter in-between mens shelters. The shear suffering that person incurred on my life is so awful. Im devastated by it but life goes on. Losing the 5tb of my life from 2008 -2022 which I had organized in a box in the van is what kills me. That state is a crime against humanity. It’s awful.