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It seems our progressive culture often vilifies masculinity and men in general. Through a constant onslaught of TV, movie, internet, commercial, and CPF propaganda, they hold up the "Beta Male" or cucks as the acceptable standards for men. Comply with this new progressive interpretation of masculinity or get cancelled they tell us. Testosterone levels in young men these days is at an all time low. This isn't just detrimental to the health and longevity of men of all races,, it's bad for the entire world. Any reasonable person should get this. Many don't. 

 I'll fight back against this evil agenda again in this Part 2 off "How to Be Manly Man." We are talking about time proven wholesome manliness, the kind this world was mostly built upon. I'll give you more God-based attributes of Manly Men here again interspersed with stories, personal examples, and insights to great men who lived lives of discipline and honor. If you lack good parents, this video might help fill in the gaps in your upbringing.  Other TNPrs have noted this having watched my Philosophy videos along these lines for the last 10 years.  

I feel odd that this task would fall upon me, a wholly imperfect example of manhood. I was blessed to have a strong father role model but he didn't teach me everything and I often felt I fell short of being a manly man. But I knew the direction I needed to travel, has a good start from my Dad, and I sought God's help. What I set about in this two part series is an IDEAL that we strive for. Expect to fall short as I have done but if you chart you'll progress in these efforts you'll find you're no longer a boy or man baby but a true man.  

While this is not a religious video and I will not promote any particular faith, I'll simply promote basic Christ-like principles. Think of them as an insurance policy that will make you happy and steer you away the misery that comes from a self-centered life.  You'll find that becoming a wholesome "manly man" has prepared you for the necessary challenges coming your way.     

I'll end with a heart felt prayer where I guarantee you'll feel the Spirit of God if you're in the right mindset. May you be blessed in these endeavors and find peace, safety, and a loving family because if your self work in being a true Manly Man!  

"Being A Manly Man" Part 1, Nutnfancy https://youtu.be/bq0eZDI9gW0


"Being A Manly Man" Part 2, Nutnfancy

The world constantly criticizes and vilifies masculinity and men in general. Through a constant onslaught of TV, movie, internet, and CPF propaganda, they hold up the "Beta Male" or cucks as the acceptable standards for men. Comply with this new progressive interpretation of masculinity or get cancelled they tell us. Testosterone levels in young men these days is at an all time low. This isn't just detrimental to the health and longevity of men of all races,, it's bad for the entire world. Any reasonable person should get this. Many don't. I'll fight back against this evil agenda again in this Part 2 off "How to Be Manly Man." We are talking about time proven wholesome manliness, the kind this world was mostly built upon. I'll give you more God-based attributes of Manly Men here again interspersed with stories, personal examples, and insights to great men who lived lives of discipline and honor. If you lack good parents, this video might help fill in the gaps in your upbringing. Other TNPrs have noted this having watched my Philosophy videos along these lines for the last 10 years. I feel odd that this task would fall upon me, a wholly imperfect example of manhood. I was blessed to have a strong father role model but he didn't teach me everything and I often felt I fell short of being a manly man. But I knew the direction I needed to travel, has a good start from my Dad, and I sought God's help. What I set about in this two part series is an IDEAL that we strive for. Expect to fall short as I have done but if you chart you'll progress in these efforts you'll find you're no longer a boy or man baby but a true man. While this is not a religious video and I will not promote any particular faith, I'll simply promote basic Christ-like principles. Think of them as an insurance policy that will make you happy and steer you away the misery that comes from a self-centered life. You'll find that becoming a wholesome "manly man" has prepared you for the necessary challenges coming your way. I'll end with a heart felt prayer where I guarantee you'll feel the Spirit of God if you're in the right mindset. May you be blessed in these endeavors and find peace, safety, and a loving family because if your self work in being a true Manly Man! This series made possible by TNP Donors TNPrs who donate to me in Patreon make the continuation of TNP possible! https://www.patreon.com/Nutnfancy You can now donate to TNP via PayPal if you'd prefer that method, humble gratitude from us for that support: https://tinyurl.com/y5zzf9tq "Being A Manly Man" Part 1, Nutnfancy https://youtu.be/bq0eZDI9gW0



Nutnfancy based AF. Love it. P.S. please never stop using blue workshop towels to wipe your man tears - it's so awesome!


Pure truth!!!!