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Given to my Patreon friends, this is where the Project stands as the year closes out. A FIRST EVER insight to TNP given only to Patreon members...do not share btw!

Overall Project Health 0-5: Four. Main Channels engagement remains very low but high engagement with donation community. Project remains donor focused. Content subject matter remains extensive with 100s of planned videos supported current core content focus.

TNP Expenses: Still substantial but on acceptable with current monetization yield core content published. Watch purchasing expenses expected for fall for 2022 as it reaches maturity stage, just like knife and gun reviewing. Watch loaning from various sources expected to rise as watch review reputation is established. Ammunition expenses are a concern, increasing anywhere from 200% to 300% depending on source and caliber. Ammo stock had to be depleted in gun testing and data sourcing. Previous year stock ups on many calibers for testing proved wise. Gun purchasing expenses remain low as almost all are loaned; some purchased for video production support. Vehicle maintenance and overall cost is still substantial but in line with monetization and content creation. Fuel costs have risen 100%. Misc. costs such as clothing, food, tools, consumables, optics, camera and studio gear, electronic production items, etc remain acceptable (though all have risen in cost).

Monetization streams: Almost entirely donation funds. Minor funding amounts come in through B Channel monetization, PayPal donations, and affiliate linking. Several special edition Nutnfancy blades helped bring in needed funds for 2021.

Profitability: TNP operates in the green and has for several years. Content production flexes according to monetization. Adjustments to core content production will have to be undertaken if funding changes. In 2021 TNP paid its bills and added funding to Project savings.

Motivation Level 0-5: Five. Nutnfancy is the sole producer of the show. If he dies, the Project dies. The donor environment called the "club house" has proven beneficial in eliminating burn out and loss of motivation in video production. Personal friendships there encourage and support the workload as Nutnfancy feels loyalty to not let down his friends there. Communication and feedback with the viewers has vastly improved due to the Patreon environment.

The Project requires never ending work in pre-production, production, and post-production phases. Year 2021 showed this workload was sustainable with current viewer support levels. It is expected to remain unchanged for 2022 barring unexpected SocioEconomic Upheaval.

Assistance: TNP has two reliable crew members, the rest have fallen away for a variety of reasons. Project production is exhausting and requires often short notice availability and willingness to work long hours. Few can cope. Family members rarely assist in TNP video production and remain unreliable help sources. TNP remains the product of a single individual with nearly all phases being performed by Nutnfancy.

Threats to continued production: 1) Political environment. The country continues to embrace Progressive ideals. This will eventually make gun testing and reviewing impossible. Knives will probably follow. Hosting platforms continues to attack this content, demonetizing and de-listing TNP videos in searches. Attempts to migrate the audience to other platforms have failed. 2) Supply chain. Many reviewed items are short in stock or unavailable in supply systems. Timely reviewing of items and posting of video product in conjunction with available stocks from affiliates remains extremely difficult. 3) Monetization fall off. 2021 Saw adequate funding and profitability from the current TNP monetary streams. But this is unpredictable and could rapidly change with cancellation of current platforms or loss of donors. With inadequate funding TNP will drastically change and lessen in scope and frequency, maybe even go dormant. 4) Manufacturers attacked. Gun mfrs continued to weather strong, well-funded legislative and punitive legal actions to produce their product. Many are dealing with significant and long-term raw material and labor shortages. Less new products to review will impact current focus of TNP. 5) SocioEconomic Upheaval. The economy continues to worsen with inflation on the horizon. A stable political and economic environment is needed for monetization and production of TNP. Job loss of viewers remains a continued threat to all aspects of TNP. Loss of Rule of Law will most likely prevent video content production. Cost of living for audience members continues to increase and is expected to worsen for 2022.

Content Selection: Current levels of TNP content for 2021 are assessed as follows according to general TNP audience support and video view counts: •  SCUBA diving adventures: 0 • Mountain Biking Adventures: 1  • Backpacking Adventures: 3  • Gun Reviews: 5 • Knife and MT Reviews: 3  • Vehicle Racing: 0 • Kit and Tactical Systems: 4 • Clothing Reviews: 4  • Survival Related Content 3 • Motorcycle Adventures/Reviews 2  •Philosophy/Political Videos: 3 •Flashlight Reviews: 2  • Outdoor Gear Reviews: 4  • Optics Reviews: 4  • Watch Reviews: 2 •On Water/Boating Adventures: 0  • Live Streams: 2

The donation community supports the above at somewhat higher levels. But limited time and energy TNP remains focused on popular core content. Newer content varieties, in line with TNP focus, are planned.




Thanks for the update!


Nut'n You have an impact on a lot of lives. Know when to ask for reenforcements. Outstanding work, I will continue to support. Carry on.