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So many guys are gaslit into being Beta males. They think this will curry favor with today's Leftist governed society, maybe giving them advantage. Kids in school are taught that masculinity is basically evil and the source of many problems. "Fight toxic masculinity" they are instructed! Femininity runs the world they say, be a part of it! Many have signed up to this astonishing "modern" trend and its their gospel.  

Luckily the manly men ("menly men") who came before us would have never gone along with such nonsense. They were unapologetic warriors.  You see these studs built this country and overcame tremendous obstacles to achieve amazing things....things we still enjoy today. I use just a few of them as examples of hard charging, no apologies wholesome manly men!   Then I'll get into the qualities of such a man and how we too, even in this upside down world, should increase them in our own character. Each one is critical to real manhood.  

Really I'm talking to the young men of the world in this video. I'm here to give you besieged young men "air support" as many feel alone and isolated in this societal gaslighting process.  Maybe you feel attacked by the Leftists powers for being masculine. Have no fear, Nutnfancy is here!  

Share this video with those who need it! Maybe future parts will emerge if its met with high enthusiasm and views!


Be a Manly Man!

So many guys are gaslit into being Beta males. They think this will curry favor with today's Leftist governed society, maybe giving them advantage. Kids in school are taught that masculinity is basically evil and the source of many problems. "Fight toxic masculinity" they are instructed! Femininity runs the world they say, be a part of it! Many have signed up to this astonishing "modern" trend and its their gospel. Luckily the manly men who came before us would have never gone along with such nonsense. They were unaplogetic warriors. You see these studs built this country and overcame tremendous obstacles to achieve amazing things....things we still enjoy today. I use just a few of them as examples of hard charging, no apologies wholesome many men! Then I'll get into the qualities of such a man and how we too, even in this upside down world, should increase them in our own character. Each one is critical to real manhood. Really I'm talking to the young men of the world in this video. I'm here to give you besieged young men "air support" as many feel alone and isolated in this societal gaslighting process. Maybe you feel attacked by the Leftists powers for being masculine. Have no fear, Nutnfancy is here! Share this video with those who need it! Maybe future parts will emerge if its met with high enthusiasm and views! TNPrs who donate to me in Patreon make the continuation of TNP possible! https://www.patreon.com/Nutnfancy You can now donate to TNP via PayPal if you'd prefer that method, humble gratitude from us for that support: https://tinyurl.com/y5zzf9tq



In this reality is a material opportunity though. Part of being a man is effected in a high degree of competency at one or several things. In a world where this is in short supply those who do meet the call are going to be needed in a material sense whether they are appreciated for it or not. Which is going to give you a functional leverage for obtaining better pay and access to resources.


Great video, I'm behind on my watching!!!!