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Mrs Nutnfancy and I take it to the Bunker to give you an update on our COVID 19 infection...yep we got it.  As we say here, Covid can affect everyone differently and some can be very serious, especially if they have pre-existing serious conditions.
Data show most of the mortality is coming from these cases.  The death rate as noted here is not considered 0.26%.  The virus is still unknown and it may create more complications later.

But consider the damage done to our country, mostly by the Left, for the .26% mortality rate.  The flu kills about from 35K to 70K annually and we wisely do not shut the country down for that.  But with never ending Covid mandates, thousands if not millions are now unemployed, suicides have risen, domestic abuse has risen, people have been or will be evicted, and big corporations have benefited while small mom and pop businesses have been crushed.  Look at small restaurant businesses in LA right now; most are going out of business.  Panic and political motivation seems to have been the motivations.  So with this in mind we will  a bit against government mandates and advocate protective but voluntary measures.  

Covid does exist and it does suck.  We are proof.  But the huge majority survives it as shown.  Is it ok to force obedience to an ever changing non-scientifically supported set of laws?

Thanks for all your kindness and support as always.  We have read your well wishes and thank you kindly for them!


Nutnfancy Has COVID



Thank you for the first hand experience.


I just tested positive for covid-19. Ugh. Fortunately I am (to this point) totally asymptomatic, but I'm on a two week vacation (woohoo, not.)