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Tomorrow in the evening, TD and I will crank off a Livestream for Patreon members as we watch some of the election results roll in.  Not a super entertaining live event probably but it will good to hang out with our Patreon friends as we either celebrate or lament the results.  

I predict Trump will barely win and the Left will riot, burn cities, attack peaceful people [like they've been doing all year], fight for extended recounts/balloting, contest the result in courts, not concede the loss, and like in 2016 ultimately never accept Trump's victory.  

They just will not accept we the people don't want a politician, we want a fiery promise keeper to clean the Swamp!

I suspect it will crank off at 6pm to 7pm MST in the Bunker...see you there!

Another free bonus event for TNPP!



Disregard open in desktop mode for those with the same.


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