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You have not been imagining things.  The world has indeed turned upside down. What was long held to be right, correct, virtuous, and overall good is now being represented as bad...even evil.  In this multi-part Nutnfancy Life Philosophy video we will attack that with a truth grenade.   So hang on as we delve into the darkness that is happening in the USA.

Several pillars hold up our free society as we know it. They are good, right, wholesome, and time proven.  And yet there is a well financed "gaslighting " process in play to convince people just the opposite. What is happening is not grassroots or spontaneous; it an orchestrated well planned assault on our Republic.  It is designed to change our freedoms, our wealth levels, our freedom of speech, our freedom of movement, our freedom of self improvement, and much more.  In short, it is all designed to change our system of government as I've talked about for years in TNP.  It is working. 

For this to be successful, many have been brainwashed in Marxist principles.  I'll use the words of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, to show this isn't some whack conspiracy...it's actually happened and happening.  He warned us of several phases [demoralization, destabilization, crisis] which I'll discuss...they all lead to "Crisis" phase out of which a new tyrannical government, promising great reforms and peace, will emerge.  They will call this "Normalization" just like they did in 1968 Czechoslovakia. 

To attack the pillars of American Life, discussed here is to gain widespread changes in this country.  You will not recognize it afterwards and it seems we are heading that way.  Millions subscribe to this way of thinking, happy to castigate good things in America. 

Even a casual look on the internet will reveal their methods:  violence, riots, assaults, assassinations of police, firebombing, attacks against good people passing through, laser eye attacks, false accusations, dehumanization of conservatives, and much more.  All this is from the Left and all is supported and encouraged by the Dems and its CPF. 

Perhaps this will frame things for your understanding.  What is happening, why is it happening, and what is coming in the future are questions that may have weighed on your mind.  We are in a very dangerous period and most Americans are in denial or they support the destruction of our way of Life.  Prepare accordingly!  

Another original Nutnfancy Life Philosophy Video designed to help my TNP friends!   Free of charge here in TNPP.

Full interview with Yuri Besmenov:  https://tinyurl.com/yxc968do 

Short interview with Yuri Besmenov: https://tinyurl.com/jhhe9m5 

Besmenov is featured in the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War trailer. https://tinyurl.com/y4yj8nxh

"Salty Cracker," a great [and funny] news source I use, subscribe!:  https://tinyurl.com/yyvoe3t2

Sign an Oath to Support and Defend the Constitution, this website is growing and improving:  https://www.support-defend.org/


The Upside Down of Right Pt 1

You have not been imagining things. The world has indeed turned upside down. What was long held to be right, correct, virtuous, and overall good is not being sold as something bad...even evil. I this multi-part Nutnfancy Life Philosophy video we will attack that with a truth grenade. Several pillars hold up our society as we know. What is happening is not organic or spontaneous; it an orchestrated well planned assault on our Republic. It is designed to change our freedoms, our wealth levels, and system of government. It is working. For this to be successful, many have been brainwashed in Marxist principles. I'll use the words of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, to show this isn't some whack conspiracy...it's actually happened and happening. He warned us of several phases which I'll discuss...they all lead to "Chaos" phase out of which a new tyrannical government, promising great reforms, will emerge. They will call this "Normalization" just like they did in 1968 Czechoslovakia. To attack the pillars of American Life, discussed here is to gain widespread changes in this country. You will not recognize it afterwards and it seems we are heading that way. Millions subscribe to this way of thinking, happy to castigate good things in America. You see it daily on your internet feeds, violence, riots, attacks against good people, false accusations. All supported by the CPF. Perhaps this will frame things for your understanding. What is happening, why is it happening, and what is coming in the future are questions that may have weighed on your mind. We are in a very dangerous period and most Americans are in denial or they support the destruction of our way of Life. Prepare accordingly! Another original Nutnfancy Life Philosophy Video designed to help and inspire my TNP friends! Full interview with Yuri Besmenov: https://tinyurl.com/yxc968do Short interview with Yuri Besmenov: https://tinyurl.com/jhhe9m5 Besmenov is featured in the latest Call of Duty trailer btw Salty Cracker, a great [and funny] news source I use, subscribe!: https://tinyurl.com/yyvoe3t2



My Father/Mother both escaped Communist Cuba in the late 60s and everyday i hear their warnings in my head when i see the coming insurrection that faces us now. They both came from well off families and lost everything. The older generation warned them of the wolf in sheeps clothing but the youth believed the hype and drove them straight into hell on the bus while on fire.


One for the few good things my dad did was to educate me about communism. I have watched the Besimov interviews. I took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution 34 years ago. I don't recall that oath having an expiration date.