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Special Edition Knife Polling

  • Release it ASAP 642
  • Release April 24 218
  • Release in May 173
  • Release in June 181
  • 2020-04-06
  • 1214 votes
{'title': 'Special Edition Knife Polling', 'choices': [{'text': 'Release it ASAP', 'votes': 642}, {'text': 'Release April 24', 'votes': 218}, {'text': 'Release in May', 'votes': 173}, {'text': 'Release in June', 'votes': 181}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 6, 21, 31, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1214}


Ready to go and it will be about $55 is all.  Unlike anything you've seen in TNP; really cool.  LMK how you feel about its release.  The blades are marked with Mar 2020 as discussed in the live feed.

Update 8 Apr 2020:  Thanks for all the voting and input guys.  We will release this knife soon.  I will explore some options for stashing a few who miss out but I can't guarantee BHQ can do that.  You will love this blade...it's wicked.



Just joined Patreon for TNP! This Special Edition knife deal is great timing as I've been on a bit of a knife buying binge since I've been held-up in my house lately. I previously only had 1 Kershaw (based on a TNP review) but now have a small collection. I voted ASAP but have no problem waiting until more of the 'family' is ready. June seems so far away though... :-)


LOL! Whoops! I guess I missed out on this one...