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Is the world falling apart?  Is the government approach in fighting the Corona Flu appropriate?   Will millions die from it as some predict?  Is this the big WROL situation I've talked about for over a decade in TNP? How prepared is 'prepared'? Have we trashed our economy beyond repair in Covid 19 response?  How is this event like a Tsunami?  How long will it be before people feel confident again?  Will food stocks be affected?  What's the best approach to survive and even thrive in the hard times coming?   

This and more is addressed inside this TNP Bunker SITREP or Situation Report.  We will start with a calming breathing exercise (yes really!) then get to work, staying positive and confident in our preparations for this event.  TNPrs should be among the best prepared people in the world.  

Be hopeful, think clearly, and press on with what you have to do.  If well received and supportive commentary results, other Nutnfancy SITREPS will follow on this Channel discussing these rapidly changing current events.

More free content for TNPP...this video will post on the B Channel tonight so comment quick and I'll paste them in as I do and pin them at the top!  Thanks all.



Is the world falling apart? Is the government approach in fighting the Corona Flu appropriate? Will millions die from it as some predict?Is this the big WROL...



I am very glad to have found TNP almost 10 years ago when living in MO. Now that I live in UT, I have to be honest, there are times I am making a trip to HD or Lowe’s in the middle of a project and I have to make a run into the house to complete my accessories just in case of a gear check. Having said that, that is about the only time I won’t be fully accessorized (with the exception of my workplace where it isn’t allowed and when actually on the slopes skiing).


Good talk. I thought I’d chime in from Bergen County, New Jersey, 5 miles from NYC epicenter - KungFlu Central. I think we are in the middle of a economic takedown. A organized PsyOp. I am 100% certain my family had Kung flu in late January. All the symptoms. My children were tested for strep throat and flu and came up negative. The doctor said must be a respiratory virus take it easy it will pass. He also said he had been hearing a lot of people talk about the pain in the legs and other anomalies. I was well aware of Wuhan virus, but it didn’t occur to me that it was outside of China yet. The more I tell people that I’m certain we had it, the more other people tell me they had all the symptoms also. And amazing we all lived! it was just a “bad flu year” until the media started driving up ratings and advertisement revenue with hysteria. The media is totally hyping this. remember Bill Maher saying he wanted nothing more than a recession to take out Trump? Do you think the media has changed their orientation? These people would gladly destroy the economy in order to create a class of dependent voters and get rid of Trump. This Kung flu china virus it’s not worth taking down the country for. Resist it and don’t give up your constitutional rights. I am at the epicenter here and in my view it is all just media and leftist politicians hyping us with giddy feminized panic. Good luck out there. Wash your hands, keep some distance from people, look out for the elderly and those with health problems. And Stay steady. Keep patronizing your favorite restaurants (take out) so they will still be there later.


Franklin Lakes, NJ Bergen County Pop 9K and 60 covid19 positives