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Hey guys

Here's an update on where I am planning to take TNP as we traverse the Covid19 fallout together.   

•  Standard content will keep posting.  You need TNP entertainment maybe more that ever!  KRVs, WRVs, GRVs, and adventure videos will keep coming out on the current schedule.  I will not focus on the Covid developments too much as the TNP audience has shown they really care about hearing it here (video posted:  https://youtu.be/6Wces3mjGaQ   5% TNPrs watched it)

•  Hard to know what availability of the items I review will be but as I write this it's good.  Shortages may ensue as problems in the transportation and supply chains arise.  Fingers crossed. 

• I have a lot of content stored up.  So if you see a review and it seems at odds with the current events then it was filmed well prior to that event.  

• Adventure videos are going to increase.  This is to lessen your spending on all the cool stuff I review!  Also we just need to get out there and away from all this.  These adventures sometimes expensive and always time consuming to produce but I have been in production on several already.  Episodes of Cooking with Nutn, motos, X4, hiking, and other short vids will post here first as usual.  And some will never make it to the Main TNPr Channel.  

• Shoulder is doing well thank you!  About 80% now and I can shoot better.

•  Expect some 1911 reviews coming up...maybe some long range stuff too.  I'm just in the mood to do them again...several in testing right now.  Damn, that .45 ACP is $$ but I'm pushing the rounds through them.  I use your Patreon money to buy that ammo (and gas!).

• TNP Get together in Nashville ain't going to happen anytime soon.  The tornadoes hit TN pretty hard and gatherings with this virus about won't be a good idea.  But expect more frequent online get togethers for Patreon members like we've done in the past...more exclusive content.  I think I'll use Crowdcast to host this.  I have improved my WiFi in the Bunker so I think video quality will be better.

•. Make sure you have the items I talked about in the video stored up. https://youtu.be/6Wces3mjGaQ . Not sure about your area but there are barren shelves as I predicted in that video.  And things will get worse.

•  Stick with me all through this, it will still be the best few bucks you spend per month and we'll have something to talk about when it's all over.  My first priority to serve you guys is content generation.  I can serve the most with this so that's where I keep on keeping on!

Much respect and thanks,

Lt Col Nutnfancy




We are still hoping for the Nashville Meet.


Sad to miss you in nashville