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Nutnfancy here, back from Oregon today.  Update:  Shane was amazingly unhurt in his wreck, just real sore.  His shoulder armor melted on the pavement as he slid.  Also his helmet, riding pants, shirt, and some parts on his bike will have to be replaced.  I have a torn rotator cuff on the right shoulder it seems, sore but that's it.  I filmed vids afterwards that I will post next.  Shane wants his privacy so I'm figuring out how best to to do that.

Thanks so much for the concern and nice comments from yesterday's video and Mrs Nutnfancy was great filling in for me.  I am in one piece, operating normally except my shoulder.  That will complicate testing for the guns for awhile unless I can work around it.  MRI on it in two weeks they say; maybe it heals on its own.  I was once again reminded how bad knobbies do on emergency stopping on the pavement.  Nevertheless I get on myself for not staying on the bike as I avoided Shane and the deer.

TNP is an adventure, there's ups and downs and I share them with you; it's all part of the body of work.  I understand the sentiment some have expressed about "hey don't ride anymore so you can stay safe" but I just can't do that.  Any adventure will have risk and you can never dial it all out.  This was truly a bolt of lighting from a clear blue sky and sometimes you just spanked in life through no fault of your own.  But overall the outcome of this incident was positive, we both rode away, and we only suffered minor injuries.

Thanks again, I'm healing up and still cranking on with the Project.


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