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News – Prisoner Colony 41 Continued Story:

  • Dungeon in the underground of planet 41
  • Sex with Ida
  • More cleaning
  • Video memory reindexing fix



Is there a guide or something for the Prison? I dont know if triggers are supposed to be done by or on certain days but, Ive been with 3 prisoners, and cleaned twice and have seemingly run out of content. based on the screenshot, that area should be on the first basement level above the kitchen, upper right part of the map but that door simply says TODO if clicked on. 2 achievements are also bugged. I dont know if you have a discord or something where I can provide further detail within.


Meanwhile in c41 you can have sex with three female prisoners, mini game cleaning and an underground dungeon. I'm working on the next sequel. Discussion is here:


Is there a way to get beyound Day two or skipping the days? Is the Dungeon the kitchen Level with the Dishwasher? It seems i cannot reach the Dungeon from the Picture you postet above. Thanks for your good Work and Creativity. I wish you a happy Christmas Day.


Oh, the dungeon was inaccessible. The fix is in version 0.76.*.7. The entrance to the dungeon is from the mezzanine.