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Hey folks, hope everyone's well!

Just wanted to check in with a quick update.

I've been having a little dig into merch - Patreon's fees and the way it all works are too much for me to be able to handle at this stage with the following I have here so for now that's out of the question.  

However, I'm looking into InPrint as an option, and I've found a place that do amazing stickers so when I've got some cash to be able to order some in, I'll do a poll and figure out what would be a good started set :D

Prints: I do have a place local to me who do amazing work; if you're interested in a print of any of my work, message me and I'll work something out with you.

Commissions:  I've got a couple left in my queue from christmas (i'm not kidding.  this year has been fucking mental) but they should be cleared soon.  I plan to open 5 new slots this month, with new pricing.  Super Fan tier folks will have access to those slots at a reduced price, any that are not filled will go public at full price afterward.  I hope that's fair and makes sense to everyone.  

Pricing is as follows:

Full colour commission single character: £200.  Patreon price £150

Linework commission single character: £120.  Patreon price £100

additional characters, backgrounds etc are negotiable depending on what's wanted.  I've realised I put far too much into commissions and if I want to make them work for me I need to up the prices.  The cost of living fiasco isn't a factor in this per se, but it has made it a more immediate problem.

I'm only doing full colour and linework commissions this time around as they're the most requested and if I'm being honest - they're the most enjoyable projects for me.

Oh also, I binned the VIP tier.  Nobody gives a toss about PSDs and I don't have anything else to offer so it makes no sense to keep it around 🤷‍♂️.

Sorry this was super wordy, there's been a lot going on haha.


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