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For an idea as to what I got up to last month, visit February's schedule >>> February Schedule—New Patrons, Start Here!

If you're a Deluxe patron or above, check out the list of Patreon Deluxe animations (there's over 20 since the last time I counted) >>> Patreon Deluxe master list

Now that your pledges have been processed, I'm buggering off to Hawaii. Bye!

...I'm kidding. New month, new schedule post! Nothing has changed since yesterday, so read this post for details as to what's going on.  

Here are my current projects (in order that I will make them, and some of these may not be completed during March):

Sketch Tier Sketches for February (Both patrons responded very late in the month. Not my fault! XD)
Bess Runner-up Animation
3-4 days of work on miniRPG
Rihanne's Normal Animation
3-4 days of work on miniRPG
Rihanne's Patreon Deluxe

That's about it for now. Time to do some sketches, will be back later. TTFN!

- Dim



Are you ever going to do any birth games again?


Yes, but not on a regular basis. The next one I will make will be a quickie birth thing for Rihanne's animation (after I've finished her Deluxe animation), and some of the future miniRPG games I plan to make will feature a birth component. The primary focus before birth is pregnancy expansion for now.

Dawn's Wife (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-03 00:10:04 Sweetie, Dim have you been aware of people leaking your content!
2024-04-03 00:10:04 Sweetie, Dim have you been aware of people leaking your content!
2024-03-29 10:24:20 Sweetie, Dim have you been aware of people leaking your content!

Sweetie, Dim have you been aware of people leaking your content!