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Story poll goes live in the new few days! Last chance to get an idea in!

And the winner was...

Rihanne! As such, she will now get an animated pin-up, made by yours truly. But what scenario will she star in? Suggest a story idea and let patrons vote for a winner!

A few rules before you submit a story:

* I don't mind going a little weird, but nothing too crazy. If your idea is way out of my comfort zone or focused on fetishes not pertaining to my Patreon's focus (pregnancy), I will let you know. I reserve the right to edit your story should it contain elements I or my patrons would find disagreeable.

* Stories focusing on "she takes an experimental drug / pill" will likely be edited / refused, unless it's an interesting twist to that concept. Come on folks, haven't we seen that story *waaaaay* too many times?

* Keep your suggestions down to the core concept, roughly a paragraph or two in length, rather than a scene-by-scene description of an animation. If you submission is too long or detailed, it will be edited down to the core concept for the poll.

* Stories with obvious attempts to shoe-horn in too many characters will be edited down. Rihanne won the poll, not all of my OCs. A cameo or two is fine, especially so if they're creative. 

* I will edit obvious typos / grammar mistakes, but please for the love of God proofread what you post. It's painfully clear which posts are being typed one-handed...

I think that's about it. I will add suggestions to the poll should your submissions not cover enough topics / bases. Have at it!

- Dim


Mars Shadow

Candlemaker: Rihanne's candles stop working. Luckily, she kept the box they came in, learning CandleLight Co. makes them. Tracking down the factory, Rihanne searches and finds a crate of fresh candles. Ecstatic, Rihanne fills up a bag and leaves. However, a pregnant fairy appears and traps her in a bubble. She says that one of their candle packs was noted as stolen. The crate was a trap for the thief. The fairy zaps Rihanne. She says that the candles' magic comes from her womb, but now, Rihanne will produce it. Whenever someone makes a wish, she will grow. And she will keep growing until every wish she stole is repaid or the candles are returned.

draco flame

upgraded back before pay day cuz couldn't resist putting down this idea. true full term: Rhianne ends up reading somewhere that a baby would need to be in the womb at least 21 months to be comparable to other mammals development, but due to various factors are born at 9 months. so Rhianne decides to wish to gestate a baby for this supposed "proper time" and ends up actually overdue by 10 months and experiencing the side effects of becoming a woman capable of gestating a baby that long. Mainly a massively increased appetite and stomach capacity to account for metabolic needs, massively widened hips to accommodate increased size of the baby, massive thighs to still be able to move, and a massive ass to counterbalance the belly to maintain a center of gravity. in short, she's pregnant for over 2 years and gains a massive lower half cuz I am the ass lover...well next to bootylvr of course

Brandon Weatherstone

Careful What You Wish For: After getting into an argument with her son Darren, Rihanne realizes her son is growing up too fast for her liking. Distraught, she isn't sure what to do . . . until she remembers that she has one magical candle left. Using it, Rihanne wishes that Darren could be her baby boy for just one more week. As her belly grows, Rihanne is ecstatic to see it work . . . until it grows way bigger than she expected and the 'baby' inside begins to loudly complain. After an accident involving her swollen tummy destroys the only candle left, Rihanne must now carry her very upset, very bratty son for an entire week.

Chris Wreker (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 18:03:14 A Girls' Night Out: Rihanne after being pregnant (again for the fourth time, I guess. I don't know how, magical candle tomfoolery I suppose?) close to 8-9 months and about to be due, but Rihanne is tired of waiting and standing around the house, she wants to have some fun and have one last hoorah before labour. Taking some advice from her daughters Ava and Novah who suggests going dancing to have fun, but doesn't know a lot of dance clubs but she would go to unknowingly Ava's club, which is a punk rock club where there is very loud music and of course dancing, she gets to enter as she looks very punk rock-ish and very pregnant but enters, nonetheless. You can add some sort of dancing minigame with some dance mechanics.
2024-02-07 23:10:50 A Girls' Night Out: Rihanne after being pregnant (again for the fourth time, I guess. I don't know how, magical candle tomfoolery I suppose?) close to 8-9 months and about to be due, but Rihanne is tired of waiting and standing around the house, she wants to have some fun and have one last hoorah before labour. Taking some advice from her daughters Ava and Novah who suggests going dancing to have fun, but doesn't know a lot of dance clubs but she would go to unknowingly Ava's club, which is a semi-punk rock club where there is very loud music and of course dancing, she gets to enter as she looks very punk rock-ish and very pregnant but enters, nonetheless. You can add some sort of dancing minigame with some dance mechanics.

A Girls' Night Out: Rihanne after being pregnant (again for the fourth time, I guess. I don't know how, magical candle tomfoolery I suppose?) close to 8-9 months and about to be due, but Rihanne is tired of waiting and standing around the house, she wants to have some fun and have one last hoorah before labour. Taking some advice from her daughters Ava and Novah who suggests going dancing to have fun, but doesn't know a lot of dance clubs but she would go to unknowingly Ava's club, which is a semi-punk rock club where there is very loud music and of course dancing, she gets to enter as she looks very punk rock-ish and very pregnant but enters, nonetheless. You can add some sort of dancing minigame with some dance mechanics.


PregFit Resort: Rihanne, tired of gaining a considerable amount of weight after being pregnan't (yes, being and not being preggers lol) she decides to do something about her figure. But tries to find a way to do it without leaving home, so she can keep an eye on her son, Darren. Darren, wanting to help her lovely mom, invites her to try a game that has been recently announced on social networks, called PregFit Resort (yep, the same as the Dexter Mom's Deluxe, but all reworked and with some new features). She ends up trying the game, and gets a body shape like the one showed on the "Empty Cupboards" animation. The deluxe can be a DLC for the game, getting other ways to stay "Fit", and getting her even bigger. Main focus of the animation is overall body growth (Booba, tums, tighs and butt) adding some muscle if you want, but thats really optional.


I'll likely edit this idea so that it Darren isn't in the pregnancy itself, but Darren is the reason she makes the wish to cause the pregnancy


Totally fine, I like unbirth too but I'm just being careful with Patreon's TOS. If the idea wins it'll still be unbirth in some form

Brandon Weatherstone

Huh, didn't think Patreon's TOS would be so stringent. In any case, thanks for the reply, and keep up the good art.


Baby Craze: Something within Rihanne clicks and sets off the strong need for more babies. After a night of fun, the household is noticing more odd things with Rihanne as this pregnancy progresses, she eats for certainly more than two and her wardrobe definitely can't keep up. Eventually it's revealed, the candle was never lit, and this was just all Rhianne's body and natural causes! Deluxe would probably go into the territory of what would happen if she keeps going at with the love making, but mainly up to what would happen with this silly story.