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Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/jigdsas

Password >>> sorrytoalltheclownphobicpeople

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/jigdsas?password=sorrytoalltheclownphobicpeople

YouTube >>> https://youtu.be/YZF400qn8_Y

MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/xRZmlArC#V8DuUiBjZfNjNLYvKLcT82fS0I2v1GbY6PAcuvU2gkE

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/hcJy0BpD#zDiGnRQKaJoBu5UlSsXKQatjgka6eDFCKxPoUAS5xzM

Jiggles seems like she's quite the handful. That said, I don't think anyone has big enough hands for Jiggles' jiggles...

Phew, finally done! After much deliberation, I kept the games very simple. When it comes to fetish content and wanting to see a tum, no one wants to have to spend ages figuring out an obtuse puzzle XD Let me know how you get on with my "games"!

It's quite late and I should be in bed. If there are any game breaking bugs (I hope not *gulp*) I'll fix them in the morning. If all is fine and dandy, I'll begin work on the "Weremommy" DimMini. And then? It's onto my mysterious Halloween animation...

(Of course, after these projects, I'll be making Jiggles' Deluxe. But that will likely be in November.)


- Dim



Richard Handy

Ahh my Colourophobia! Just kidding this was charming. The rinky carnival music was delightfully offputting and Jiggles is actually a pretty toned down clown OC compared to others I've seen. And that's a good thing! Cute angles on her shape, cute premise.


Ok I have to give you props for this one Dimp the minigame-like feel to this is great and well thought out. Fantastic work! Hope to see more stuff with this vibe in the future.