Random Dim Suggestion—Quickie Birth Animation Instead of a 2nd Deluxe?
- Yes, do a quick birth animation instead of a 2nd Deluxe 147
- No offence, but I am not interested in birth content 246
- I don't mind either way 94
So as you know (if you've read anything I've written recently), for the next two animated pin-up projects, I'll only be doing 1 Deluxe (these projects are for Eira and Jiggles). This will save time and allow me to cover more characters more quickly.
But I was wondering—what if I did a short birth animation (one scene in length) for each project, instead of a 2nd Deluxe?
A lot of people continue to ask me for birth content, and while I have no problem making it, ideas that centre on birth rarely win, and also are not that popular, so dedicating weeks to birth content is just not wise for my Patreon. However, if I did a short birth scene, that would probably take me no longer than a few days to make, and definitely way less time than making another Deluxe (usually 10 days or more, depending on complexity). If I wasn't making a 2nd Deluxe per project, I would have time to make a quickie birth animation.
How do you like this idea? Should I try it out for Eira's animation? Or should I do a poll for each project to determine if I should do a birth quickie for that particular character? Let me know!
As usual, this is not a definitive poll to decide what happens going forward. But the information from this poll will help me to decide if it's a good idea or not. If you have a strong opinion on this subject, either positive or negative, do not be shy to comment.
Also note that if you vote "no", I will still be making 1 Deluxe for the next two projects.