Which animated pin-up of mine was your favourite of 2022? (Patreon)
As 2022 comes to a close, let's do a fun poll—which project, out of all the ones I did this year, was the one you liked most? The results of this poll has no bearing on my content going forward, I just thought it would be interesting to see which projects you folks liked the most. :o
I have my own thoughts on these projects, but I'll save those for a post later in the month. Don't want to sway the votes with my own opinions. All I'll say for now is: only six projects? I sure have gotten slow, huh. Mind you, I did a lot of animated gifs this year, and each of these six options have multiple animations each...but still, it doesn't feel like a lot. >_>
This poll will focus on the major pin-up projects, ie the HTML5 projects. I may do a Gifday poll, too, if there are enough options in the poll to allow me to list them all XD
This is a multiple choice poll, so feel free to choose any and all that you liked most. So—have at it!