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  • Eira Gifday Loop 2.mp4
  • Eira Gifday Loop 3.mp4
  • Eira Gifday Loop 1.mp4
  • Eria Gifday Main Loop.mp4



Reaching all the way over to Ireland was a stretch too much for the sweater...

Here she is, Eira! A new character dedicated to being on TV while heavily pregnant. I changed her design a bit from the sketch, and also changed the joke itself, but overall this is the vibe I'm going for with her. I hope you like it! Also included are multiple different loops. Bet you didn't forecast that, eh?

GIF compression for some of these gifs is...a bit rough. My bad, I really need to stop using so many gradients in these gifs. I've uploaded the MP4 files as attachments, so download those for better quality. 

Also, I would have uploaded this hours ago, but OBS (what I use to record these gifs) was giving me serious issues (99% GPU usage, out of nowhere!) and the only fix I could find was to downgrade OBS to a version from a year and a half ago. Modern software, eh?

Anyway, it's really late...well, early morning now lol. Time for bed. TTFN!



Tom Titov

This is great I would love to see more of this character.


Rita is really very beautiful, I hope we will see her again in other jobs!

Richard Handy

Oooh I like this very much. The hair, the tone and her design makes me smile.

Chris Wreker

Hi just a heads up. The fifth image you posted is not working. It looks broken.

Tom Titov

I am not Ukrainian but my old avatar was the Soviet version of Winnie the Pooh. After the invasion of Ukraine I didn’t want people to get the wrong idea when it comes to my views on the invitation due to my name and my old avatar so I switched it to Ukrainian flag. I condemn the wrongful invasion of the Ukraine and the previous atrocities done to the Ukraine like the Holodomor. Thank you for asking:) PS I am actually American and I like your avatar image. Have you seen the Lusty Loona animation. I had the pleasure of writing the script for that one.

Chris Wreker

Well Tom, glad you support the troops and Ukraine people. However I have not seen "lusty Loona". Not even sure where that is? 😕 but cool to know you had a hand. Maybe you should add 😉 😏 Loona for a animation here? P.s. I thought the "Soviet version of Winnie the Pooh" was a reference to Xi JingPing and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)?

Tom Titov

I haven’t thought of that connection but I was talking about the literal Soviet version of Winnie the Pooh. This version is not yellow he’s a troublemaker and his hands float not being attached by arms. Soviet animation was very weird.


I absolutely just fell in love with her

Tom Titov

Yes it does:) but a real North Korean cartoon is squirrel and hedgehog. It is an acid trip.

Liam K

Okay but so many ideas for her!!! Expansion/labor on live tv... weather forcasts directly affecting her body... so many options here!