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Edit: The speech bubbles with weird clicking issues should be fixed, so please redownload the newer files. If you find any other issues, feel free to let me know, and sorry for the wonkiness! 

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/uzdlxpt1ssd 

Password >>> waitwhatyouredoneearlywtf

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/uzdlxpt1ssd?password=waitwhatyouredoneearlywtf 

Stash >>> https://sta.sh/2zuy7dnpdic 

MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/NARXnJSZ#kwUd0lbJqgdGBav6vbc9thSmh2kNV7xcul3YemyWA7A 

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/JIh1kaID#U10SJp-Sj4VMZxRvm2qdWUC21ZGT-HNEZWg5Bp7UNI0 

Continuing immediately after the events of the Normal episode, Uzaki Hana and Shinichi try to come to terms with Hana being full-term with a kid! Will they have a normal conversation about this predicament? Or will Hana tease poor Shinichi, like always?

Huh? What the...Dim, didn't you say the 5th? Isn't this...early? You're right! For once (probably the only time ever), I'm actually finished ahead of my projected completion date. Huzzah! I doubt I'll ever repeat this feat, but let's bask in the glory that I finished a full two days (well...day and a half I guess) early. \o/

One scene might play out different, depending on what you do (or click on). There's a hint in the ending screen if you don't find it, so don't worry about finding it on your first playthrough. It's merely a way of speeding a certain scene up. I might implement a similar idea for Part 2...

First off, I gotta sleep. Then, once I've finished up the next Gifday winner (which is gonna be Fawn, let's be real), I'll begin planning that Part 2, which will see mother and daughter reunited. Let's hope the animation can cope with two heavyweights in the same scene!

Until then, TTFN!



fucmkign KITTY

Don't know if it's just me, but in Scene 1, when Hana asks how she ended up the way she did, clicking the speech bubble does nothing and the game won't progress any further.


I was able to proceed, but that speech bubble either had a very small trigger box or it was a press and hold. Just keep clicking on and around it.


Yeah, as Ladyrhea says, the trigger for that box is weird for some reason. I'll fix it up tomorrow, but the bubble *does* work if you click around (if not very well, my bad >_>)


Was kinda hoping for a front facing 2nd belly expansion scene like with the mom instead of from the back, but scene1 is good😊


I like it a lot! Thanks Dim


It's funny because I was gonna post a disclaimer saying "I've tried a different angle, we'll see if people like it" and now I wonder if others feel similar to you XD The 2nd Deluxe will feature plenty of front expansion, so I wanted some variety before we got to that point. That said, I don't intend to do back views too often, for obvious reasons


Wow! Wonderful stuff! Getting stuck in the bath and trying to pull her out was a glorious idea for a setpiece. Having both Uzakis being enormous in one place sounds like it might be one of your most ambitious animations yet, good luck.

Richard Handy

Very cute! Love the little hints at the end. Your dialogue for them is probably quite close to the show.


Hana tends to talk quite rough, so a few "yer" and "ainchta" seems to cover her character quite well. The plentiful sound clips make it much easier to gauge her personality, too XD

boy problems

is it me or are these games just unbearably extremely slow? it would be nice to maybe have an option to lower the graphics so it could run faster...its been like this for years...


Unfortunately, they can be very slow depending on your device, and there's not much I can do about it other than recommend people use a desktop / laptop or watch the video. If I could make the performance much better, I would, believe me!

J Lord

I know that this is about three weeks late, but I think I encountered a glitch. in scene two, when scrubbing hana's rear, I think you forgot to add a limit to the growth, as her thighs and but ended up stretching well beyond the top of the screen as I held down the mouse.

DimPixelAnimations (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 12:24:22 Whoops! Coulda sworn I fixed that >_> Thanks for the heads-up, will look into it soonish!
2022-08-23 17:41:50 Whoops! Coulda sworn I fixed that >_> Thanks for the heads-up, will look into it soonish!

Whoops! Coulda sworn I fixed that >_> Thanks for the heads-up, will look into it soonish!