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Edit: the Itchio project page has been updated with a HTML5 file that uses the "s" and "f" keys to move left and right. Please use this if you have issues with the arrow key version! If people would prefer the "s" and "f" key vers. to be the main animation that plays in the browser window, let me know!

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlcpt1ss 

Password >>> seriouslyhowlongdidthistakeyouDim

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlcpt1ss?password=seriouslyhowlongdidthistakeyouDim 

Stash >>> https://sta.sh/2cmmt366uwl 

MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/gJRVHCzC#YJcSNzaiDMJPCKdFnrNKC7TWnQ8_AwGCSG1QZ3fnLwI 

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/0MBAGb7T#or4OtnDYAYhAHHGAtL_6mopXI3bXwKuQ_XlaJ9nISaE 

Note: you have to click on the text box that explains the mechanics before the arrow keys will work. Apologies for not mentioning this! >_<

Rihanne nabs herself a swimsuit for the bikini contest, but loses her tum! She has to start over from scratch. Luckily, there's a beach full of moms, and more besides...

Thank you for your patience, folks. Finally, I finished it. Phew. What a week or so (or longer?) that was! I'll save you the boring stuff, but I've learned a lot of things making this animation. Hopefully, what I've learned will help the animations run slightly better (depending on your browser / device) and increase the options for tum expansion nonsense. Let's hope this is the case!

As I warned you before, this animation is fairly short, in spite of the time I spent on it. Most of the time was spent figuring out coding issues and the like, of which errors might still be present in the animation (let me know if you find any bugs, btw!). The speech boxes still load strangely, and I did all I could to fix them, but they might still glitch out here and there. Hopefully it's not too bad!

However, there is a caveat—tum, boob and bum sliders! Yes, I figured out how to apply expansions to sliders, so you can expand and shrink to your heart's content. In fact, I only figured sliders out last night, and rushed to get them in this animation, as a sort of apology for taking so long. You can expand Rihanne as she frolics along the beach, and she should dynamically change as you move her. It's pretty fun! 

Enough talk. It's late, I'm late (for delivering this) and you deserve to play it. Please let me know what you think! The Patreon Deluxe Part 2 will be the final part, and will be focused less on gameplay but story. However, I will make use of all I learned on this animation, so it should be very interesting. :3

Okay, next on my agenda is my final sketch tier sketch from May, then that Gifday gif of Ginny, and then Patreon Deluxe part 2. I might sneak in a break somewhere because I'm hella worn out. TTFN, and thanks again for waiting!



A Man Named Jed

I can't get her to walk at all. I get no reaction from the arrow keys.


Click on the text box explaining the mechanics and then you should be able to control her. My bad, I should have clarified that in the animation

Chris Wreker

Man for part 1 it was great! But boy it was so short.


🤩 wow part 1 was amazing can’t wait for part 2 and DAMN 2


The passwords are so funny

A LoLo

this is great! if you could make her even bigger in the next one and able to move around that would be the best! keep up the good work

Liam K

Make sure you take a break! You do your best work when you're fully rested and content!


Hope to see some even bigger boobs and butt in the next part :P

Tyler Hayman

Kind of wish there was an alternative to arrow keys like wasd. unfortunately I have a reduced space keyboard


I actually chose my previous keyboard combo for this reason XD Gimme a minute and I'll do a "A D" version of the animation


Instead of "a" and "d", I've used "s" and "f", because French keyboards don't have "a" and "d" in the same places. I hope this works better for you!


Indeed, the majority of time was spent figuring out all the "behind the scenes" stuff, so all I can do is apologise. I'll try to make up for it with the 2nd Deluxe!


Usually a day is good enough to get the batteries recharged, but don't worry, if I'm genuinely started to get fried I'll rest until I feel good. As much as I want to publish often and regularly, damaging myself to do that is plain silly, so I'm always careful in regards to mental / physical health. Thanks for the concern!

Tyler Hayman

Yeah that's good with me

Richard Handy

Well I wasn't sure about this character but the tummy lust motivation certainly was charming. The controls worked fine and the dialogue was very cute. I do love how everyone wants a game involving growth but doesn't realize slowing you down is part of the process. Thanks for taking the time with this.


Thanks! I presume by "slowing down" you mean Rihanne's walking speed slowing down, which I did wonder might be annoying, but the sliders can fix that problem real quickly XD. That said, if you want her to be big, you have to deal with the consequences. Can't be big on tum but light on your feet!

Chris Wreker

Well it is cool in the hood. All I can hope the second part won't be very long to release.


Is there no way to get her on mobile?

memes mcgee

This is probably one of my top favourite animations you have done. Great to have sliders as well.


If there is, it's beyond my technical know-how to incorporate into the animations. Apart from offering video, there's nothing I can I'm afraid!


Thanks! I definitely intend to include sliders in all animations from now on if at all possible, they're too much fun to play with

J Lord

So... Is there and actual end to this one, or do we just keep having her absorb stuff forever?


I decided to keep this part simple, partly to get it finally finished and posted as well as reduce lag due to less scenes. Of course, the story will continue in Part 2, and carry on from where this ends (not that this part has much story), but for this one, once you get to the sliders, that's as far as you can progress. Part 2 will have more scenes and an actual ending.

Duaani Grey

I for some reason cannot play them - it just says cannot connect


Does it say cannot connect on the actual Itchio page or is it asking you for a password? If it's asking you for a password, make sure you're clicking the link with the password embedded. If that doesn't work, then try another browser / device and see if you can access the page, as it does work.


Part 2 ??? Date release please.


Uh...maybe around the 24th of June, but this date may change due to complications / my own fussy nature, so please bear with me. But I'm going as fast as I can! At the very worst, this will be finished before June ends, or I'll eat my hat. (Will have to buy a hat first, though)

Chihime Nanami

If its ok id like to mention the gas noise was really distracting and wasn’t able to enjoy it as much personally. Thats just my opinion though


Always feel free to comment about things you don't like / found weird, as chances are, others feel the same way. Sound effects are always tricky, because there's so few good tum effects and people are sensitive to them (for obvious reasons), so it's hard to find new or interesting ways of showing expansion with an appropriate SFX, not to mention that I am not a foley artist, so making new sounds is very hard. I'll try to avoid using those sounds in the future, so thanks for your feedback!