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The doggo is nearly out of the bag—some people have come asking about a "mysterious" animal spotted in this apartment building. Luna's trying her best to cover up multiple things, but doggo is not helping...

Luna won by a landslide! Sure is nice to see the old goth and her weird alien pet again. I decided to not have Eatie be in the tum because it would have been a bit awkward to explain that in the space of an animated gif. 

Also, this gif came out quite sharp looking. I'm finally getting the hang of the Photoshop settings! Only took several years hahahhah ha h a...

Anyway, no rest for the wicked. Time to start on a Demoness gif. And then? Rihanne "Envy" ring a bell? Hee hee.





Luna is one of my all time favorites of dimp OCs

Richard Handy

She's definitely charming with her gruff attitude.


This would make a great deluxe

Chris Wreker

Seeing her in undies trying to fit her booty in those pants was kinda sexy and funny. Being pregnant is no easy task. Especially with a Doggo.