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Gifday #6—Choose a sketch to become an animated gif

  • Ginny Peter-Smyth Trying On a New Top 97
  • Bess folding Laundry 51
  • Janet Peter-Smyth Reading a Book 96
  • Annie May Reminding You That Today Is April Fools Day, Lighten Up 232
  • 2022-04-01
  • 476 votes
{'title': 'Gifday #6—Choose a sketch to become an animated gif', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ginny Peter-Smyth Trying On a New Top', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'Bess folding Laundry', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'Janet Peter-Smyth Reading a Book', 'votes': 96}, {'text': 'Annie May Reminding You That Today Is April Fools Day, Lighten Up', 'votes': 232}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 1, 10, 50, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 476}


Which sketch do you want to see get the animated gif treatment? Vote and make it happen! Try and imagine how the sketch would look as a gif and ignore the crudeness of the sketch, the final gif will look much better, I promise. I hope.

Patrons with extra votes, let me know where you want your votes to go in the comments section. $10 get one extra vote, $15 gets two and $20 gets three.

Ginny Peter-Smyth trying on a top she received from an online store, but isn't that happy with the fit or the style. She wishes the material was different too, but the price was pretty good for that brand name, so she's unsure whether to return it or keep it as a house sweater.

Bess folding up some laundry that she's neglected for a few days. Usually her day job keeps her too busy and overloaded with (other people's) children to perform some of her household chores, but today is the perfect day to catch up. She learned how to fold t-shirts at her first job, TX-Max, and can fold a t-shirt in under a minute. (A minute was way too slow, so she was fired.)

Janet Peter-Smyth reading the autobiography of a popular TV star. She has no particular interest in this TV star, but the book was given to her by a co-worker and as Janet's bedroom TV is currently broken, she decided to give it a try. She was momentary excited when a chapter began to discuss the TV star's pregnancy, but lost interest when the pregnancy was glossed over in a paragraph. Janet continues to read, hoping for more pregnancy mentions or to fall asleep.

Annie May holding a sign reminding you that today is April Fools Day, and as such you shouldn't take a (admittedly not very funny) joke like this poll seriously. That you are reading this disclaimer means you are not allowed to be annoyed or pretend that this poll is a real poll and that any sketch in this poll will actually become an animated gif, because this poll, like the creator of said poll, is a joke. At least, it was funny when I thought about it. A lot of people tell me I'm not very funny.



Put my votes down for Bess.

Chris Wreker

Gonna go with Ginny.


All extra for Annie, please.


I would like to place all 20 votes on Janet


Honestly I could use some laundry tips

DimPixelAnimations (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 12:47:33 Me too. The main tip I would use is "always read the clothing label". Oh, and don't use those gel tablet things, they never melt properly and get stuck to my clothes >:{
2022-04-10 21:08:42 Me too. The main tip I would use is "always read the clothing label". Oh, and don't use those gel tablet things, they never melt properly and get stuck to my clothes >:{

Me too. The main tip I would use is "always read the clothing label". Oh, and don't use those gel tablet things, they never melt properly and get stuck to my clothes >:{