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edit: I'll be launching the story poll tomorrow. If you have a story suggestion you've yet to suggest, do it today! 

Tsuki Uzaki ( Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! ) won the "Already a Mom" poll! As such, now is the time to suggest a story for her to star in. 

As usual, suggest what you think would suit this fine mom, and while I will post your ideas unedited (so make sure to check your grammar!), I will vet stories for themes / topics I do not wish to animate or focus on. 

Here's my idea (based on what little I know about her) to get the ball rolling (will add some more to the final poll if I think of others!): 

Kouhai and Kouhai's Mom's Misunderstanding: Tsuki Uzaki overhears her daughter (Uzaki Hana) and her boyfriend (Shinichi Sakurai, her senpai) talking. Hana and Shinichi are talking about how Hana's (female) cat might be pregnant, but Tsuki misunderstands and thinks they are talking about her! As Hana and Shinichi speculate further on the (cat's) pregnancy, Tsuki's imagination can't help but visualise every detail that they mention, and begins to panic about whether she actually IS pregnant... The Deluxe will follow another overheard conversation, but this time the details of Hana's and Shinichi's conversation sound even more spicy (out of their intended context, that is). And Tsuki can't help but imagine those moments, too...


Yoga Bear

No Spoliers: Tsuki finds out she’s pregnant and is excited to share the news as a surprise with Usaki and the rest of the family. When she goes to share the news she finds Shinichi sitting at the table waiting on Uzaki. Not wanting to spoil the surprise until her daughter returns, begins small talk with Shinichi to pass the time. As they converse she mistakes what he says as implying she looks pregnant.(Her having a larger chest, butt, belly, looking heavier) After appearing to grow to well past full term, she snaps out of it once Uzaki returns home revealing it was all in her head. This is until Uzaki calls her mom, where her belly grows slightly in real time. This leads to the deluxe where Tsuki reveals she is pregnant, growing bigger and bigger as Shinichi and Uzaki argue over how many she is having.


Story Suggested via DM: The idea: while grocery shopping uzuki picks up a new type of food. Little did she know that the food happened to be tainted by a compound colorfully known as D.A.M.N that induces pregnancy and hip,buttocks,and thigh growth in accordance to the Fibonacci sequence. All products tainted by the compound were recalled, but this particular store had not received the memo. This leads to Uzuki eating the food over a few days and not understanding what is causing the growth. Shenanigans ensue.