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Edit: wasn't too happy with the final results of the doodle so I did another quick "shaky" version. Might do another version if I'm unhappy with this one too lol

Nasu was complaining that no one is making Marie Wentz art, so I decided to help balance out this...imbalance. I like a lot of the characters from Astral Chain, and definitely intend to do something with them, but for now, this doodle can be a foreboding of what may come. 

Astral Chain is a really good game, you should play it. Also, there's many nice ladies in it. And Lappy. Google Lappy OR Marie Wentz, you won't be disappointed. :)

Time to thumbnail Lady D. That sounds perverted, but I promise it isn't. TTFN!



Chris Wreker

Definitely a lot more refined.