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Edit: Updated with non-stretchmark versions, because I wanted some smoother tums lol

Fresh from the shower, Rihanne gets herself dressed up to go out on the town, and isn't letting being heavy with child stop her! But perhaps she should pick her dresses more carefully, considering her new curves...or at least wear underwear...

Continuing experiments with new sketching style, and I'm super happy with this progress. No only does it look better (IMO), but it takes me vastly less time to complete a picture I'm happy with. How much less time? I inked all three of these in about 4-5 hours. Usually, I'd still be slaving away on just one image after ten hours, and still not be finished...so yeah, I like this new method. :) Not perfect by any means, but for the purposes of getting an idea down on "paper" and out into the world, I'm happy with it. And it's fun! 

Soon, I'll open up a suggestion post for future Sundoodles, so look out for that. For now, it's time for me to plan out that first Bess + Luna Deluxe.




Chris Wreker

Nice sketch style, It feels more refined. The Rihanne doodles look very fine, although the last sketch 😳 she should be wearing some underwear.


Ooh, fun! I’m liking this sketch style.

Richard Handy

Very cute and still naughty.