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Edit: added slightly different version with a different expression. I have left both up in case you prefer the original

As per the title, I could not finish the first Bess + Luna animation for today, as I wanted to. If I stayed up until 6AM, sure, I could finish it. But staying up to 6AM isn't fun, and I would rather just spend tomorrow making sure the animation is good as could be (and considering it features my own OCs, I want to make it GOOD). My apologies, friends. But it WILL be posted tomorrow. ABSOLUTELY. 10,000,000%. 

As a consolation, here's a sketch I did in bed before I went to sleep. As regular patrons may know, I complain about drawing by hand (A LOT), but I still endeavour to try and find a method that lets me draw by hand and enjoy the results. This sketch is a step in that direction: I used a different brush that forces me to draw slower, is much thinner than I usually like and then try not to worry about connecting every line together. I like it. (We'll see what I think about it in the morning. And BTW, Okusan's husband has a huge dong. It's canon (pun intended)). 

Note: future Sketch Tier Sketch's will be drawn in this way, to help me save time. If I can finish sketches like these quickly enough and people like this style, I'll try to draw up more animated runner-ups going forward. And I might be opening up the "Sunday OC Doodles" to patron requests. More on that coming soon...

But yes, Bess + Luna tomorrow. PROMISE.
