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With Luna + Bess absolutely storming the Double Trouble poll, now comes the next stage—suggesting a story for them! I'll launch the story poll in about two or so days, so make sure to get your story in quickly! 

What kind of hijinks could these get up to? Will one of them grief the other? Will they have to deal with a common problem together? These two have a lot of potential individually, so there's plenty of things that could go right or wrong when they collide! Be sure to go and check out my older animations to get caught up on the lore of both these two characters. 

To get you started, here's a few of my suggestions (if your ideas were similar to mine, feel free to suggest them anyway! I can either incorporate elements of your story into mine, or you can submit your variation as its own option): 

Dogsitter: Bess takes on an unusual job, but not entirely out of her usual "babysitting" vocation—dog sitting. The owner, a shortish goth lady, drops the dog off and leaves immediately, without explaining much about the dog or how to look after it. Bess is concerned, but having had family pets while growing up, assumes this weird-looking pure-black "dog" can be treated the same as other dogs. But it turns out this dog has special powers, and in Bess, it sees a new host who can be easily manipulated and used for its "expansion" purposes. And as Bess is far larger and taller than Luna, the expansion could be greater than this alien doggo knew possible...[Pregnancy expansion, hyperpregnancy expansion, doggo in womb, etc]

Babysitter-In-Training 2: Looking to make some extra cash, Luna agrees to help out a local babysitter with looking after kids. Luna isn't much of a kid lover, but money is money, and she turns up at the appointed address to find a tall ginger woman who is stupendously pregnant. Once Luna gets over the shock of the size of Bess, she has to get used to the new shock—Bess's version of "babysitting" involves baby transfer, and before she knows it, Luna is learning the growing pains of being a "babysitter"-in-training. [Baby transfer, pregnancy expansion, hyper-pregnancy expansion, potential unbirth]

If you have any questions about Bess or Luna, or aren't sure if a particular idea is in character, leave me a message or send a DM! 


Zen Jehnson

I'm so sorry. I have one last idea. Pregidemic 2: Alien boogaloo Luna, heavily pregnant with a large batch of doggo spawn, is desperate for a break. She discovers Bess' services online and seeks her out. When the pregnancy transfer happens, Bess' powers interact strangely with the alien DNA, causing her brain to rewire itself temporarily and makes her want to spread the doggo spawn to the entire city. She stalks the streets, touching women's bellybuttons and making them inflate with doggo spawn. The doggo, sensing what she is doing, continues to refill her womb so she has plenty of spawn to spread. Dear God. I swear I'll stop now

draco flame

alright bit of a buzzer beater and weird one here we go. Luna discovers Bess's services through an online ad of some sort and wanting a break from the tireless job of dealing with doggo, enlists Bess to babysit for her. upon transferring the spawn to Bess she returns home to a confused doggo, who promptly adds a new bigger batch, prompting Luna to return to Bess to carry the increasing load. though in an effort to stifle the process doggo adds additional effects to the brood to stifle Luna from leaving and subsequently transferring the brood to Bess (don't know what exactly he can do, but was thinking of growth of the lower area and the "tracks o land" so to speak, gravity lowering, and good old fashioned illusions). but somehow Luna always prevails in the transfer and poor Bess has to deal with not just the brood but the additional effects as well. put simply ( cause I know my ideas can get elaborate), luna transfers belly, doggo makes bigger, Luna does transfer again so Bess is bigger again, doggo makes belly, BHT(butt, hips, thighs), and "tracks o land" bigger, another transfer causing both bigger belly and the rest for Bess, bigger and additional effect to Luna, transfer to Bess, so on and so forth. sorry if it's still complicated.