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After some news was brought to my attention, I thought I would clarify my social media presence, and what accounts are mine so you can tell whether or not someone is impersonating me or uploading my content without permission. 

As a general rule, Normal animations (once released to the public) can be uploaded to another channel if it's for review purposes, but Deluxe animations are not permitted to be shared (unless they're now public). If you see any channels or accounts that are not mine uploading my Deluxe video content or other currently exclusive work, or are simply uploading my normal videos to farm views / ad revenue, they are doing so without permission. 

My HTML5 files can be accessed either through a Patreon Deluxe tier pledge or buying them from my Itchio page. Anyone else selling these files is selling stolen content. Please do not buy from them, as you're likely being scammed.

This is my official YouTube channel. All public animations are uploaded here, along with any old Patreon Deluxe files that have been made public (as long as they're safe for work) >>> https://www.youtube.com/DimPixelAnimations 

My official Itchio account, where my HTML5 files are able to be played in browser and can also be downloaded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/ 

This my official Twitter account, where I post art once it's no longer Patreon exclusive >>> https://twitter.com/pixel_dim 

This is my official "birth" Twitter alt, where I post Duesday content once I've posted new Duesday content >>> https://twitter.com/BirthDim 

My official DeviantArt account, where everything started >>> https://www.deviantart.com/dimpixelanimations 

My official Discord server can be access by synching your Discord account with Patreon, whereupon you'll be granted access. 

My official Pixiv account (in sore need of updating lol) >>> https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40017202 

My official PillowFort account (mostly dormant for now, due to their gif limit being too low for almost every gif I make) >>> https://www.pillowfort.social/DimPixel 

(Note: I do have an official PornHub account, but that was basically shut down when they only allowed verified accounts to upload content. Once day I'll get myself verified, but for now...)

Any accounts other than these are not mine. I do not have a Facebook or Instagram presence, so if you're following "me" on those pages, they are not me lol. If you have found any Dim Pixel accounts out there and aren't sure they are mine, please ask! (I hope I didn't forget any...)


Chris Wreker

I noticed that Pornhub.com has been going around banning users and their uploaded videos for some reason? I assumed it was some copyright ©️ related stuff.