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For an idea as to what I got up to last month, visit May's schedule >>> May Updates / Schedule (New Patrons, Start Here!)

If you're a Deluxe patron or above, check out the list of Patreon Deluxe animations >>> Patreon Deluxe master list

For June, I am on hiatus! Sort of. As my patrons know by now, by "hiatus" I mean "I'm still making things", and I plan to post three animations during June: 

* Jessie (Pokémon) Patreon Deluxe Part 1 (Finally)

* Jessie (Pokémon) Patreon Deluxe Part 2

* Dexter's Mom Update + Potential Sick Days

* Dexter's Mom Patreon Deluxe Part 2

Other than those (and perhaps one or two experiments), I will be quiet for the most part. Any questions / queries, feel free to leave a comment / send a DM! 



Well, enjoy your break anyway. Thank you for keeping us informed about your news and plans!