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Sometimes I get asked questions about characters and it occurs to me that a lot of ideas / history I have does not appear in the animations. So for me, a lot of my characters actions make sense, but to everyone else, it may seem as though there's not much rhyme or reason as to what is going on. And on my Discord, the idea of a Q&A post of some kind came up, so why not? 

If there's anything you wanna know about the animations, be it character lore, clarifications as to what the heck happened in a particular scene or anything else, leave a comment! If I get any questions, I'll respond to them as and when I can. :) 




With the recent animation, are we in fact adding two more ladies to the roster?


Who's your favorite character to do stuff with


when did you get into the pregnancy fetish/kink?


Yep! I broke my rule of not creating any new characters for a bit. Welp, more ladies for the vote I guess XD

Tyler Hayman

How did Bess get her power?

draco flame

Weird questions, but here goes. Who has the biggest butt out of the roster? And if Rihanne wanted to, could she just change reality on everyone if she wanted to? Like just wish" everyone is a woman and pregnant". Or " all women have massive child bearing hips and asses" or "all pregnancies are super easy and take half the time". Or are the wishes limited to her and her immediate family? Oh and final weird question, out of your characters who would want to be the biggest, like bed sized at least. Not has been or will be out of circumstance, but would actually want to be? And a normal question, if you had to do something else job wise,what would you do? Sorry for the bomb.


While it's rarely seen in the animations, Janet is a hard worker who has helped bring new levels of success and efficiency to the company she works for. Annie is perhaps in awe of such a woman, and wishes to help her boss to conquer even greater heights of corporate achievement. I also liked the idea that Annie had been looking for a mentor of sorts while at this company, and Janet was the only person who satisfied Annie's criteria for a superior. So while Annie is in a lower position than Janet hierarchy wise, Annie would only work for someone she considered worthy. Janet is that person. And the same is true for Janet: Annie came along, started doing all of Janet's odd jobs, and Janet felt no need to tell her to stop. Thus, their peculiar partnership was born. Annie was already following Janet before the events of the Denial animations, but since the events of those animations, began to follow her boss ever closer. Annie may have gotten weirder the more she hung around Janet...


Perhaps the seeds were sewn as a kid, as I remember touching a pregnant belly (can't remember whose) and I still remember how weird it felt, like there was a ball beneath the skin. I also remember a pile of medical magazines around the house, and one of the issues was dedicated to pregnancy. For whatever reason, I was very drawn to the contents of that issue: there was a lady in the bath, a progression sequence, and also a detailed x-ray progression? I can remember some of those images very clearly haha. As for when I absolutely knew it was my kink, I realised it in my teens, but any specific "eureka" moment is something I cannot remember. Perhaps I just always liked pregnancy and never questioned it as being different? On a similar topic, I never typed a word about my kink until I started making animations. Like many people, it was something I would rather die than mention to anyone, anywhere. And now here I am, doing it full-time and talking openly about pregnancy for most of my day. I noticed pregnancies and was observant about them, but only when it came to making them did I put all my own ideas / theories into practice. It was destiny to do this, clearly XD


The general back story I have for this is: This kind of power runs in Bess' family, and manifests itself a year or so before hitting twenty. Seeing as this power causes drastic bodily changes and can be accidentally triggered, the Rodan family comes together to explain the new power to the coming of, and show them how to use it and how to deal with the side-effects of becoming pregnant so suddenly. Except that. at some point in history, it became a tradition to, instead of "explaining" the powers to newly-awakened family members, to "prank" them. The "prank" would often take the form of a pregnant relative encouraging the girl (in this case, Bess), to touch the pregnant tummy, and to do so in a way that would trigger the transfer. As Bess would panic about what is happening, the rest of the family would act as if they didn't know what was happening, and once they'd had their fill of the prank, they would explain to Bess what had happened, what the power was and how it could be controlled. Slightly cruel perhaps, but don't many families have some kind of "tradition" that borders on plain mean? Inevitably, the person who was pranked would be pissed at their family for a while for doing such a thing to her, as was Bess. But in time, Bess found it funny, and also took solace in the idea that she has control over her body in a way many other women do not. Plus, finding out that you can make some money being a literal babysitter goes some way to lessen the annoyance / trauma of that prank. And, even though Bess hated that tradition, I have no doubt she took part in a prank for other family relatives. After all, we hate being pranked ourselves, but who turns down the chance to prank someone else? XD Bess tends to be more soft-hearted than her family though, and ends up being a babysitter for free. If only she could be more firm and insist on payment before transfer!


Biggest butt would probably be Bess. She's tall and also relatively plump, so I would wager her rear end is rather sizeable. Plus, carrying all those babies has sure to have affected her hips a bit. I would suspect the candles have some sort of limit to them, so being able to make so many changes would probably not work. Rihanne would try to make a wish of that magnitude and find that the candle either wouldn't blow out or suddenly melted into nothing. Not that I think Rihanne would make those kind of wishes, although I'm sure she may make a wish or two to get revenge on people she finds particularly annoying or have done something to her. I did have an idea for when Rihanne has the house to herself for the weekend, and decides to have as many kids as she can, so I'm sure the "pregnancies don't take as long and birth is a breeze" would come into play. XD There was a story for Bess where she and her boyfriend decide to test her limits, and encourage as many pregnant women to transfer their babies to Bess as part of a "free babysitting weekend". That would have definitely ended up with a super-large Bess, although I wonder at what point she may regret it. Perhaps if Scott is into it, Bess doesn't mind how big she gets. As for another job, god knows. I've only ever wanted to do creative stuff, so any other job is just a placeholder. Maybe working in a music store, so I can get CDs for cheaper? That could be fun. As long as I don't have to commute too far, that is. XD


What happened to Janet's husband? What kind of relationship he had with Janet and Ginny? How many babies Janet kept in your canon story? Bess pregnant with Scott's baby is canon now? And lastly, Who of your OCs would be into unbirth the most?

Lou the Battery

I love your stuff. Just was wondering if you ever thought about doing inflation and popping stuff? Kind of like how Imbapovi on twitter does inflation and popping (Where the inflated is back to normal).


Which of yours ocs you consider your thickest out the bunch


They likely divorced not too long after Ginny was born, which was itself a major contribution to their splitting up. In fact, the story of the pregnancy would be a Denial-ish story: they're a young couple who have no plans for children just yet. But, as life is wont to do, Janet finds out she's pregnant, and is horrified. At that time, being more timid than she is now, she doesn't know how to tell her husband, and so decides to not say anything, until she can't hide it any longer. However, due to luck (or bad luck), her husband finds the pregnancy test, and is horrified too. Similarly afraid of becoming a father, he decides to not say anything until Janet tells him. Basically, both decide to deny the situation at hand. Thus, the story would progress with Janet hiding the pregnancy and hubby ignoring it. As it progresses, things turn more bitter: Janet gets more annoyed that her husband can't tell she's visibly pregnant, and starts trying to bait him into talking about it, such as poking her belly in his face or intentionally wearing inappropriate clothing. On the reverse side, husband is annoyed Janet won't tell him directly, and intentionally does assholish things, such as buying her clothes that would fit a non-pregnant woman, or buying a car she can barely fit in. You can imagine such a scenario would be fun for us to watch, but for them, it leads to bitterness and eventually divorce. I would say he has little involvement in their lives, apart from maybe one visit a year to see Ginny, and presents for birthday / xmas. As for how many babies has she kept, if you're talking AS then none, as those were for the parents. As for how many she kept from other pregnancies, I'd say a few, but I tend to think of these stories as cartoons, in that certain things reset while certain things advance. I'm sure she's got at least two, perhaps the twins from the Denial story. Hmm, I would say that if the next story for Bess follows through on the previous animation, then Bess will finally have her own baby to look after. Otherwise, I'm okay to leave it as "they're trying very hard, and very often, to make their own babies." XD By "into unbirth the most" doesn't mean they're REALLY into it anyway, but considering Annie went into Janet's womb, probably her. XD Other than Annie...maybe the Escort, if she was paid enough. $-$


If you're describing the kind of inflation I think you are (comical popping rather than violent popping), that could potentially be fun, but I tend to focus on my obvious kink if given any kind of choice. XD There was that game by Shameful Radio (?) with inflation, and I cannot lie that those kind of sequences in that game would be fun to make.


I presume you mean intelligence wise, and for some reason, Luna comes to mind. Bess seems more clumsy than stupid, but I suspect Luna may not have been the most avid student at school, nor is she the kind to spend time thinking things over. I mean, she still thinks the "doggo" is a dog, and hasn't suspected it's not normal for a dog to do the things it's doing. XD


More like body wise that i mean too


Ah! Then that would either be Bess, who is plump as well as tall, so to be thicc at that height requires a lot of extra weight, or Luna, who is fairly short so she becomes rather thicc easily, ie the typical chubby goth. If you count the new character Novah, then she's absolutely the biggest character I have XD

Lou the Battery

Nothing like having the big bad villainess get pumped with magical energy and popped for their own hubris! :)


Bess ,Luna Rihanne are my favorites inclulding Janet because i like how you make them plump and stuff. For me is rihanne is favorite she looks like she gets thiccer in animation that you make for her because in the delxue her butt got bigger but i dont mind at all tho XD but i like bigger butts on women. keep making your stuff tho love it


Have you ever done commisson before just out of curiosity ?


I *sort of* do commissions, but I do not actively advertise the fact, as they're not a high priority for me right now. If you're interested, I can add you to my list, but who knows when I will be able to do yours. If you're willing to wait, I'll add you!


Im interested im not sure what i can do or not like ocs or fan art characters and etc stuff like full body and color etc


Love to get on from you


Well that depends on what you want but you can use my OCs if you want, and other characters I don't own are fine as long as they're not going to get me in trouble (like using someone else's OC without their permission). We can talk about that more if I get around to making your commission!


I'll add you to my list, then. I'll let you know when it's your turn! But yeah, expect a wait, unfortunately lol


What is one new concept that you’ve either wanted to try and haven’t had time or felt people might not respond positively? How do you challenge yourself to continue to improve and refine your growing skill sets?


At this point, I've done most of the things I've wanted to at least try animating, but perhaps a proper multi-birth sequence, ie birthing individual babies with dialogue for all of it? That'd be a lot of time and energy though, so god knows if that will ever happen. Maybe I'll have to do one baby a week until it's over haha. Anything else...perhaps non-magical/artificial accidental impregnation via ridiculous scenarios (woman sitting down on a unnoticed cup of semen, for example). I wonder how those would go down with my audience lol As for refining what I do, that's usually a response to what I've just finished, especially if I didn't quite make something in the way I wanted to. I go into the next project thinking "this time, I'll make sure to be aware of *this*, or make sure I don't do *that* again", and so on. I get the feeling I'll never be completely satisfied with my work, but if that means I'm always improving, then I can deal with it. To an extent. XD It does mean that my older work looks cruder and cruder with every improvement I make. That's fun for other people to see, but somewhat horrifying for myself...