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Sometimes I share some images on Discord servers of what I am working on. Seems a bit unfair to not share them with you folks, too! (Or would you prefer me to keep things a surprise? I can do that, but I also feel like I keep people in the dark too much...)

The top image is from the main Empty Cupboard's content, and the bottom image will be part of the Patreon Deluxe content. Provided no disasters happen, it should be good to go before the animated pin-up poll ends. Lemme know what you think!

Question: is a Discord server something you'd like me to make? I feel like there's enough servers out there as it is, so perhaps it's not needed. I'll look into it if you'd want a DimP dedicated server, though!




All of DimP madness in a single server, is the world ready for such chaos to be unleashed XD


Good gracious. If she continues to look like that, those brothers and sisters are inevitable, regardless of any birthday wishes. Woof. And I'd join a discord server dedicated to you, Dim. As long as you'd want me there o'course.


I've always been on the hunt for a server with a sizable community of "cultured" individuals. So hey, let's do it

Chris Wreker

Geez why wasn't Rihanne in the final product? She looks good 👍