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Link to Itchio page! (stash page inside of Itchio page) >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dkkondlpt

Password = gfdg335HURTMEMORESNAKEmasochist

If the final button is out of reach for you, try this version! >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/aasdiasdsa

Password >>> kjhsfdsflefthandedmasterracejdfjk

Phew! A few last minute problems but otherwise, here you go! Much simpler than the Tifa animation, but this was how they were meant to be. Tifa got out of hand! For the Deluxe version, you get two extra stages of expansion, as per the request of the person who suggested the character. Enjoy!

Is it accurate to Darkness? I dunno: all the materials I looked at suggested a character who isn't entirely consistent in her own behaviour, so I just went and made my own version. I hope you like it. Let me know if I've catastrophically destroyed her personality! 






this was great


Absolutely stellar as always. Kicks on point, and also the dialogue is amazing. Great work!


That was pretty good. I don't know the character, so I can't speak for accuracy or justice or whatnot, but the dialogue was fairly humorous. She's got a unique view on pregnancy masochism. But that seems to suit this Kazuma fellow because he's not helping matters. XD

Zen Jehnson

I truthfully don't know much about this character either, but I've read a couple slime expansion/impregnation stories with her and her personality here seems similar. I can't see the bonus content yet though, my phone screen isn't big enough to click everything 😭 I'll appreciate the rest of it Monday when I'm back at my computer


Ah whoops, I forgot about that right side of the screen is inaccessible to some...gimme a moment and I'll move the button over!

Zen Jehnson

Not your fault at all, I prefer to enjoy them on my PC anyway. Wasn't complaining, just saying what was going on. Your work is a treat and I always look forward to new stuff from you


Ah cool. But even so, to have a button so close, yet so far away! Try this one instead >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/aasdiasdsa Password >>> kjhsfdsflefthandedmasterracejdfjk


This is actually does justice for the character its basically how she would react and even Kazuma is on point with his comments. Nice work Dim.


I tried my best! It was fun to write out the dialogue and then have Kazuma respond to it sarcastically. So far, the consensus is that I did good. *wipes sweat away*


It was absolutely amazing. Exactly what I enjoy. Character,spot on, belly expansion is amazing. I'm loving the size


Considering how many people wanted extra expansions, I made sure to make it a sizeable tum. Glad it was satisfying! :)


Especially backed up by the dialogue

Zen Jehnson

Extra belly expansions are always lovely. Plus I've really taken to how you animate the belly button reddening as the ladies reach their limits, popped out belly buttons are a massive turn on for me and I love the way you incorporate them

Zen Jehnson

You are awesome. The extra belly expansions are 😍😍 and I can't wait to see them again full screen. Random ish side question; would you consider doing custom commissioned animations/animation series? I love the content you're putting out, and I'm greedy and would love more of it... especially if it's a story I have exclusive control of *cackles while lightning crackles in the background*


Maybe in the future, but not right now, purely due to time. If I get to a point where I feel confident in completing them quickly enough, yes. Do you want me to add you to my (private) list of people who want commissions?