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Hey folks! Hope you managed to beat the latest stage of Incontraception! I'm sure you're all god gamers and finished it super quick...

Let's go over what I'm up to:

  • With Incontreception finished with (for now), I've moved onto Sumireko Ogawa's (Mysterious Disappearances) animation project. I've written out the first part and will be beginning to animate it shortly. Expect lots of cleavage!

  • Before Sumireko's animation, I'll do a quickie illustration for Poison Ivy, the runner-up from the animation poll.

  • In the next few days, I'll post another illustration. I have a character in mind, and I think only a super large tum / booba combo will suffice for them. I wonder who it is?

  • For the next OC animation, I'm probably not going to do any polls. Instead, like the old days, I'll pick a character and then do a miniseries (or post each scene individually and then compile then all) for them. Then, once it's done, I'll do a Patreon Deluxe episode for that character. Should be fun to revisit the old way of doing things! This will happen once Sumireko's animations are completed.

  • It was my pleasure to write a script for Lusty's next 2B animation. As Lusty is one of my main inspirations for wanting to make animations, this is somewhat a dream come true! The animation is still in the production stages, but if you want to be ready and waiting for when it drops (and see some other swell tum content) then consider supporting her! Note: don't expect any hyperpregnancy, that's not in the script lol. I may have wrote it, but it is still her animation, and she exercises final control over the content. 

That's about it for now. Hope you're all keeping cool out there. Sure is hot lately. TTFN!

— Dim


Brandon Weatherstone

As much as I love Janet, Bess, and Fawn, I do think your other OCs deserve a bit more attention, so I can understand forgoing the poll. Personally, I hope you pick either Zoe or Valeska, since I think their work-out aesthetic would be perfect for a summer-themed animation.


Note that while I definitely want to shine a light on the lesser known characters, some are either just way too obscure or simply have too little personality for me to think they're worth working with. Zoe is a good candidate, but I'll see who I think is most deserving when I go through my OC folder

Samuel Fieldson

Would love to see more of niomis moving belly