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For some reason she never gets any work done...

Happy Pride Month! This is my gay drawing to celebrate the month (in hindsight, that Charlie & Vaggie animation would have been perfect for Pride Month lol). I was originally going to draw another trans character, but as I did that last year, I decided to go for lesbians. Never drawn Tohru before, so enjoy!

I was going to draw this in the same style of my usual sketches, but after looking at my last Okusan piece, I decided that I don't really like linework that much. So I'm gonna go back to my old style of block colours for drawings. Although I changed brushes halfway through the piece, I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Not perfect, but I had fun! That said, it does take a little longer to draw this way. I'll try and keep it up for future drawings.

Okay, time for a little break, then I'll do an update post later tonight and then get to work planning my next game thing. TTFN, and Happy Pride Month!

